Z2M - Getting IP Address of the Z2M Client

I have a 6 remote Z2M clients all running on thin clients. Each Z2M is sending back Zigbee devices - doors, movement, temp sensors etc. I do all this through a separate Mosquito broker on a Dig Ocean droplet. My man HA instance reads from the broker - so nothing special. I’d quite like to get the local IP address of the Z2M client - these will be in different countries - so would be nice to have a local_ip device thats broadcast from the Z2M client.

I dont seem to be able to get that. I could I suppose write a mqtt client in Java that publishes the IP address of the Z2M - but I wondered if it was possible with Z2M ?

All thin clients are running a manual version of Ubuntu.

I am using the HA local_ip device which is fine to tell me the IP of the HA instance… so something like that for Z2M