Z2MQTT Keeps Shutting down after update


I recently updated Z2MQTT to version 2.0.0-1. After the update, the Ad-On won’t stay on and keeps shutting down. I thought the newer version that came out today (version 2.0.0-2) would fix it, but it still has the same issue.

Any help would be appreciated.

Did you make the configuration changes required in the release notes?

No - looking at that now…not sure i understand… (told you i wasnt great with it!) :slight_smile:

where do i add the advanced bit of script in??

homeassistant_legacy_entity_attributes: false
homeassistant_legacy_triggers: false
legacy_api: false
legacy_availability_payload: false
legacy: false

Does the above go into the Zigbee2MQTT config…and if so where abouts?

I kinda knew id get stuck here on the old build and hoped that a fresh install would have included stuff by default!


Not sure where to put that in…tried on the actual console…is it in the configuration tab of the Zigbee2mqtt page?

It is a text file that you edit. With a text editor.

ok - i can do that…but, how do i get to that location and be able to edit it…in that the HA console doesnt have a text editor does it…i seem to remember years ago you could locate that file somewhere within the HA webpage?

Edit - ok found the file editor…installing now…

ok - so that didnt work…i seem to have more errors that when i started…

this is my config file…

Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.


Load frontend themes from the themes folder

themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
homeassistant_legacy_entity_attributes: false
homeassistant_legacy_triggers: false
legacy_api: false
legacy_availability_payload: false
legacy: false

That is not the correct file. That is config/configuration.yaml. I said config/zigbee2mqtt/configuration.yaml

Check - ok…got that- my apologies. Got to threads running now…found the config file…does that go at the start or the end of the script/file?

It does not matter.

ok well ive literally tried “top, middle and bottom” of the script - nothing seems to work so going to give it up. Tried the ZHA automation and that fails as well, gets a bit further but hangs on the baud rate (set at 11500) tried the software option also…just have to keep plugging away at it…

Have you looked in your z2m addon log to see why it isn’t working?

That is only one of the three changes required.

Yes i did look in there, pasted/googled the output but eventually i end up on zigbee config pages which, well, may as well be written in russian! :slight_smile:

I found one youtube video on the changes and he lost me within 30 seconds…!

Some more to look at :
Look in /config/zigbee2mqtt/configuration.yaml

zstack is no longer the default for adapter setting. If Zigbee2MQTT fails to start saying the adapter could not be discovered, it means your adapter uses an identification not currently recognized by Zigbee2MQTT, make sure to specify the adapter setting if that’s the case.

If set to ‘zstack’ try to replace with ‘ember’

Hope it may help

Or better yet, the actual adaptor type they are using. See: Adapter settings | Zigbee2MQTT

There are more than just zstack and ember:

zstack, ember, deconz, zigate or zboss

Also there is at least one user here who has had to use the depreciated ezsp adapter option. https://community.home-assistant.io/t/zigbee2mqtt-2-0-0-1-lost-connection-to-zbt-1/821471/25?u=tom_l

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I have tried both zstack and ember - is it only the one place that it should be changed (in the config)?

when i say config i mean in the HA web page or, in the configuration.yaml as well?

Which USB coordinator are you using?

You can put it in the config file or the add-on config. The add-on config takes precedence.

As tom_I wrote, then something from the zigbee2mqtt log would be help full