I recently updated Z2MQTT to version 2.0.0-1. After the update, the Ad-On won’t stay on and keeps shutting down. I thought the newer version that came out today (version 2.0.0-2) would fix it, but it still has the same issue.
ok - i can do that…but, how do i get to that location and be able to edit it…in that the HA console doesnt have a text editor does it…i seem to remember years ago you could locate that file somewhere within the HA webpage?
ok well ive literally tried “top, middle and bottom” of the script - nothing seems to work so going to give it up. Tried the ZHA automation and that fails as well, gets a bit further but hangs on the baud rate (set at 11500) tried the software option also…just have to keep plugging away at it…
Some more to look at :
Look in /config/zigbee2mqtt/configuration.yaml
zstack is no longer the default for adapter setting. If Zigbee2MQTT fails to start saying the adapter could not be discovered, it means your adapter uses an identification not currently recognized by Zigbee2MQTT, make sure to specify the adapter setting if that’s the case.