Hi guys,
i just wanted to share with you my latest Project.
Since my IR Receiver (too bad it wasn’t just the remote) on my Z906 stopped working i’ve build a ESP32 to take Control over the System via Homeassistant OS.
I didn’t wanted to open the Console to replace the IR Receiver because i have a talent of breaking things instead of repairing them.
I know there are already a couple of projects for this but most of them replace the original Z906 Console with an ESP32 instead of daisy chaining. The other projects integrate Remote Control (which wouldn’t work for me).
All Entitiys are auto discovered by the MQTT Broker.
All MQTT Commands are visually displayed on the Z906 Console.
The Serial Lines are Connected to the ESP32 to read, process and redirect data.
Power pins are parallel hooked for checking if the System is active. (This part is not quite working since i have no knowledge about electronics).
So here we are, around 30 hours of researching, coding, and frustrating this is finally working.
If you want to use it: GitHub - Jupsi/logi_z906_wifi: Logitech Z906 WiFi MQTT for ESP32 with Console functionality
Recommendations, Improovements or any feedback is welcome. This is my very first ESP32 project so i tried my best
Special Thanks to: nomis (Simon Arlott) · GitHub for reverse engineering the Protocol and most of the Pins.