Zanzito 1.2: advanced device infos

Hi all,
I’ve just released a new version of Zanzito. Here’s what’s new:

  • New device info reporting;
  • GPS minimum update distance now in preferences;
  • New menu item “Quit Zanzito”;
  • Removed status bar icon;
  • Bug fixing.

In particular, when Zanzito is in “Remote administration” mode, now it sends the following information as JSON payload under zanzito/<device-name>/device_info

device_info (Manufacturer, model, Android version)
battery_charging (boolean, status of)
charge_type (AC, USB, Wireless, None, N/A)
screen_on (boolean)
screen_locked (boolean)
screen_orientation (Portrait, Landscape, N/A)
current_wifi (SSID name)
current_operator (carrier name)

Many of the above were requested by a few HA users here: I think they allow for some more sophisticated automations, for example reacting to sleep time and wake up, but I’m sure you will find some more creative ways…

Please refer to the User manual for technical details.



Hi MrMep,

Great to see another update. I see in the change log it says removed status bar icon but I’m still getting the icon in the top of the status bar with version 1.2. Android 7.1.1 oneplus 3t if that makes any difference

EDIT: I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app and the notification is gone :blush:

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Hi MrMep,
Can you move the admin module to be under password authentication, not just the local preferences.

Great that it worked!
Probably exiting the app (through the menu command) and re-entering is enough :wink:


Hi, do you mean asking for a password to access the Admin module?

It can be easily done, but remember you can disable it from the preferences: that’s what I did on my daughter’s phone. May I ask about your use case?


My Bad, I was thinking I need to enable Admin Module to get device infos.

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