Zanzito not found on Google Play?

I’ve been using Zanzito for nearly 9 months and love the program. Just started upgrading my cell phones to and the Zanzito license comes through but the link to Zanzito on google play is no longer working. I’ve been looking for information across the net and I can’t find anything. Can anyone fill us in on how to get the software? It was much better than using owntracks.

Same here, doesn’t show up in the play store for me any more either.

You might be able to download it as an apk from somewhere else, with the normal risks of sideloaded apps, of course.

Dang, it is the best I have used, going to copy my APK in case I need to reinstall now.

I still have my old phone but it’s not rooted. Is there any way to transfer it?

In the play store you should see a tab for “previously installed apps”. You can find apps in there

This is the installed apps on my old phone where Zanzito is installed and it doesn’t show up. I’m thinking since it is no longer on Google Play, it won’t be in the list, either. The license is there. No App. :frowning:

It does not show up in the previously installed apps tab, either. Only the license.

I figured it out with the help of youtube. Need to go to google play and download app extractor. Follow this link for full instructions. TechLair. I just downloaded this on my old phone, followed the instructions and blue-toothed it to my new phone. It works great since the license was already installed.

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The apk is available on apkpure. V1.2 is most current.