Zanzito Owntracks emulation


I’m trying out Zanzito, but I have a problem.

Owntracks saved datapath on the MQTT broker looks like this:


Zanzito apparently skips the username:

And the location is not reported in HA.

Should i put username as Device name in Zanzito?

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I figure you are wanting device tracking with zanzito. How I have it set up is I have owntracks emulation ticked in the app and then I have the owntracks platform activated in home assistant and it works as it should. Under device tracker I have

- platform: owntracks
  max_gps_accuracy: 500
  waypoints: true

matust: Thanks. I had max_gps_accuracy: 200, but I will also test with 500.

I put the username as Device name in Zanzito and it now works as it should.
First tests shows that Zanzito really is much better than Owntracks (which I only had problems with).


I didn’t get it working without owntracks emulation. I could subscribe to the zanzito location topic in home assistant and see the values but couldn’t get it place this on the map. The owntracks emulation worked well though.

I have found zanzito much better than owntracks until recently but it doesn’t seem to be updating location as quickly. The app hasn’t been updated so I think it might be google play services that has changed.