Zbdongle as router unable to rejoin network

Hi all,

ich removed everything from my hassio install and reinstalled zigbee2mqtt and added a fresh skyconnect … so far everything was okay, clen network now devices.

Than i flashed a ZBdongle-E with the firmware in the howto of the zigbee2mqtt documentation.
right after flashing the dongle joined as router, but was an “unsupported device”, so i thought something must have gone wrong, i reset the dongle an set him back to boot mode so i can reflash him … i also removed the device from the zigbee2mqtt addon … it gave me an error, so i used th “force remove” option, after that it was gone.

but now after reflashing the dongle he will not rejoin :confused:
log of the dongle

BL > Reset info: 0x03 (EXT)
Extended Reset info: 0x0301 (PIN)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>[May 15 2022  22:44:15] EZNet_V6.10.3_20220515 chan = 11, PanId = 0xFFFF, nwkAddr = 0xFFFE
NWK Steering stack status 0x90
>>>> Joined chan = 14, PanId = 0x1A62, nwkAddr = 0x9FCE, txPower = 20

> appNwkJoinOrRejoinWhenPowerOn [291]:
 NWK attempt join EVENT, nwk_state = 0x02, appDevHadAttemptNwkJoinTimes = 0

> appNwkJoinOrRejoinWhenPowerOn [360]:
 NWK join EVENT:EMBER_JOINED_NETWORK, app_dev_had_attempt_nwk_join_times = 1
Update TC Link Key: Starting update trust center link key process: 0x00
Update TC Link Key: Error: 0x04
Partner: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

and no log entry from zigbee2mqtt :confused:
also tried to change channel or reinstall the z2m addon …

any ideas? other devices are able to join the network

1 Like

I’m having the same exact problem…

i was just an idiot :slight_smile: you have to press the button to start a rejoin of the router, just reflashing as with other devices doesnt start a rejoin