ZbminiL2 goes offline but still reports state

Hi all, got some weird behaviour on one Sonoff ZBmini L2 the extreme / tiny / no neutral one.
I am running a Sonoff Dongle-E for a network of 25 devices, roughly 10 routers 15 endpoints. Network is very responsive, all link qualities good. The only device causing problems is one zbmini extreme. It always goes offline after about 30 minutes however it still reports the correct state in z2m and ha when toggled with the attached physical switch. In can re-pair it by flipping the wallswitch 5 times and it works for another 30 minutes or so. The other 5 zbminil2s work fine since weeks. Also tried pairing it through different routers, no change.
Im using a ZB Dongle-E using the multiprotocol firmware.


EZSP v12

Coordinator-Version build 0

Anyone else had a similar behaviour, ideally a solution? I don’t have a spare zbminil2 to test right now.

I have a few of them and have not experienced a similar issue so far. Sounds a bit like a hardware issue to me.

What I would do is the following:

  1. Remove (delete) the device from Z2M and restart Z2M(!).
  2. Factory reset the ZbminiL2 by (according to the user manual):
    a. Press 10 consecutive times the connected external switch.
    b. Long-press the device for 5s.
    c. Delete the sub-device on eWeLink App.
  3. Re-pair the ZbminiL2 with Z2M.

Also you might want to check the cable connections for contact errors (Lo, Li, S1, S2). Cut the main power to the ZbminiL2 and check on the cable ends.

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The z2m restart seems to have done the trick for now. I tried many times without and now it lasts at least much longer. Thanks!
If it reoccurs I will replace it.

Update: it lasted for a day or so and dropped again. Will try to replace it. I thought about whether it could be a problem with the connected load since its a switch without neutral wire, but I don’t understand why it would still report the correct state then.