Zehnder ComfoConnect component

I’m planning on modifying the discovery code so the integration prefers to search for the device based in it’s UUID instead of keeping the configured IP address.

I just need the time to do this :slight_smile:

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Yes, but till now I’m using my PM sensor only. I have CO2 and VOC sensor, but decided only using PM diagnostics.

But in my opinion better way is to use Indoor Air Quality Sensor (GitHub - Limych/ha-iaquk: Indoor Air Quality Sensor Component for Home Assistant) as recuperation trigger than single sensor.

Didn’t know about that one, thanks!

I can’t seem to properly set the fan speed via a scene.
The YAML code of the ‘home’ scene looks like this

      - auto
      - manual
      percentage: 33
      percentage_step: 33.333333333333336
      preset_mode: manual
      icon: mdi:air-conditioner
      friendly_name: ComfoAir Q
      supported_features: 9
      state: 'on'

Sometimes the fan goes to preset 1. Most of the times it stays at 0.
For my away scene, where fan preset 0 is asked, that seems to work everytime.
If I change it via the UI, it changes the fan speeds correctly.
Why doesn’t the home scene seem to trigger the fan consistantly? This seems to be happening the last couple of days. I made this scene last week and then it seemed to work flawelessly. I did update HA and the comfoconnect HACS this week/

Edit: I managed to fix it by running a script instead of a scene

Great integration - thanks!
Can anyone show me how to set the bypass in an automation? (I’m still feeling my way with HA!)
I’ve got a sensor that averages all the rooms and is nicely sensitive to solar gain. I’d like to switch bypass to 100% if this temperature gets high, as long as the heating isn’t on (I can test this by the status of the heatpump). I can’t see which service call controls the bypass.

The HACS component creates a select to control the bypass. The integrated component doesn’t support this.

Thanks Michael, but I don’t understand. I just installed the HACS integration & I can manually set the bypass state via a card. What I’d like to do is to put it in an automation, so presumably calling a service. I’m not experienced enough to do this without an example to base it on.

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The bypass is a select menu (select.bypass_mode). See Select - Home Assistant for examples how to select one of the options in an automation.

Aha. Thanks

Hi all, has any one been able to integrate the consumption into the energy dashboard?

I see the integration has 2 energy readings, current and over all.

Can someone walk me through it?

The total sensor is in kWh and thus unusable for the energy dashboard as you will most likely not use as much as 1kWh in a day. The other is current power usage and you can use a riemann sum integral to calculate the energy usage over the day and put that into the energy dashboard:

  - platform: integration #Current power to daily energy usage
    source: sensor.ventilation_current_power_usage
    name: "Comfoairq energie"
    unit_prefix: k
    round: 2
    unique_id: "20220511165101"
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Michael, all seems to work as intended here. Great job, thank you.

Only thing I would like to see is that you can use a prefix (was mentioned earlier in this topic I thought). I have now manually put comfoairq_ in front of all sensor names. That does work of course but for a official integration it would be nice someone could fill in a preferred prefix.

Just added, lets see if it works!

Sadly it did not work!

Strange as it does work here for over an year. Did you add the sensor to the recorder as well?

Hey @breinonline,

So adding the sensor.ventilation_current_power_usage which is in (W) to helper in a Riemann Sum Integral results in the following:

When I add to the individual devices I get this error:

Screenshot 2023-04-28 202019

The ks go down for several pages followed by hs despite the fact when setting it up i selected kilo prefix and hours.

Any ideas?

Strange. This is mine with the given configuration:

Wait, you name the word helper. I made this in a yaml file. Might that make a difference? Try to put it in your configuration.yaml first?

That part works, and when I click the sensor I get this:

But I am trying to integrate it into the energy dashboard so I can monitor consumption over time.

I currently have my heatpump there but want to add ventilation.

Screenshot 2023-04-28 213252

Are you sure your unit of measurement is correct? 546 KWh seems way too high!

It is correct as it is total increasing. It runs for almost 2 year now.

The unit on it’s normal setting takes about 34W. If I calculate that to kWh than in 24 hours that is: 34W * 24h / 1000 = 0.816kWh. More or less, because depending on showering or away it can differ somewhat of course. This was yesterday:
Screenshot 2023-04-29 at 08.03.20

And if I take 0.8kWh/day for average and multiply this with 700 (almost 2 years) the total should be around 560kWh which is pretty close.

I have however no idea why it is not working for you.

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