Zehnder ComfoConnect component

Hi all! I love this component. Finally I’m able to monitor my Zehnder Q350. Jeeh. :slight_smile:
But… I also have 3x CO2 and a hygrosensos attached through 0-10v. Is there any way I can get these values in Home Assistant? I can see them in the app (only when you’re in “advanced user”-mode or “installer”-mode), so they should be able to be seen.
Any way I can help debug?

Did anyone figure out how to add two of these devices to HA? I now get these errors when i add the comfoconnect section twice:

2023-05-09 14:43:20.383 WARNING (SyncWorker_26) [homeassistant.util.yaml.loader] YAML file /config/configuration.yaml contains duplicate key “sensor”. Check lines 25 and 52

Remove line 52. You have stated the same things twice and that will not work.

This is what i’m trying to do:

  name: beganegrond
  - platform: comfoconnect
      - air_flow_exhaust
      - air_flow_supply
      - bypass_state
      - current_humidity
      - current_rmot
      - current_temperature
      - days_to_replace_filter
      - exhaust_fan_duty
      - exhaust_fan_speed
      - exhaust_humidity
      - exhaust_temperature
      - outside_humidity
      - outside_temperature
      - power_total
      - power_usage
      - preheater_power_total
      - preheater_power_usage
      - supply_fan_duty
      - supply_fan_speed
      - supply_humidity
      - supply_temperature

  name: verdieping
  - platform: comfoconnect
      - air_flow_exhaust
      - air_flow_supply
      - bypass_state
      - current_humidity
      - current_rmot
      - current_temperature
      - days_to_replace_filter
      - exhaust_fan_duty
      - exhaust_fan_speed
      - exhaust_humidity
      - exhaust_temperature
      - outside_humidity
      - outside_temperature
      - power_total
      - power_usage
      - preheater_power_total
      - preheater_power_usage
      - supply_fan_duty
      - supply_fan_speed
      - supply_humidity
      - supply_temperature

Clearly that doesn’t work, but how then to add 2 hosts/devices

@michaelarnauts is there any way you can help with the CO2 sensors? I took a look at your aiocomfoconnect library, installed it and tested it on my unit. It shows the analog input of input 1, 2, 3 and 4 (same as in the app). The returned values are, for example, 29 for 2,9v.
This corresponds with the settings from Zehnder’s installers manual, where 2v = 400ppm CO2 and 10v = 2000ppm CO2 (it won’t detect below 400ppm or above 2.000ppm). So that means 2,9v (output 29) is 580ppm CO2.
This could be a sensor in Home Assistant, couldn’t it be?

BTW, I also have a hygro sensor and it shows 5,8v, where my HomePod which is nearby the sensor shows a percentage of 60% humidity. So I think there it’s just 2v = 20%, 5,8v = 58% and 10v = 100%. Could that also be a sensor?

Would really be great if we could add these to Home Assistant! (Or tips to do this manually? ;-))

You need to use the new component with HACS. See somewhere in this topic for the URL.

It should be possible to add those sensors, I just don’t have a lot of free time to do it.

If you take a look at my sensors.py file, there is a list of sensors at the top. You should be able to add the right sensors for A1-A4. You can find the correct names to use in the aiocomfoconnect repository.

I’ll try to see if I can add them in the course of the following days. Can’t make any promises though, sorry.

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I understand!
With your instructions, I added them manually and used a template sensor to put them in the proper format. Thanks for that!
If you’re going to add them, one thing that will be complicated is that you can have CO2 sensors (0-2000ppm) or hygro sensors (0-100%). Based on the analog input, you can’t know. You can’t also put this anywhere in the setup of the machine. So I guess this will be manual input when setting up the device.
Thanks for your great work, though!


I was planning to just expose the value as is, so 0-10V, and it’s up to the user to create template sensors as you did to covert to the actual sensor.

Feel free to create a pull request with your changes in my repository!

It’s still my goal to have the custom component end up in the home assistant repository to replace the existing integration!

I’ve made the change here:

Is this the same as you’ve changed?

I’ll merge soon, and you will get the update in HACS.

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Yup! That’s about the same. I was just cleaning up and wanted to do the commit, but yours is even a little bit more elaborate. Great! Works like a charm! :slight_smile:
Should perhaps add something to the documentation as well how to create the template sensor. I used these:

      - name: "CO2 sensor analog input 1"
        unit_of_measurement: "ppm"
        state_class: "measurement"
        device_class: "carbon_dioxide"
        state: >
          {% set AnalogInput = states('sensor.analog_input_1') | float %}
          {{ (AnalogInput * 20) | round(0, default=0) }}

      - name: "Hygro sensor analog input 2"
        unit_of_measurement: "%"
        state_class: "measurement"
        device_class: "humidity"
        state: >
          {% set AnalogInput = states('sensor.analog_input_2') | int %}
          {{ (AnalogInput) | round(0, default=0) }}```
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@michaelarnauts is there already a way to add 2 comfoconnect devices to HA? I didn’t get this working in the past. My house is equiped with 2 devices, would be nice to have them both in HA.

Thanks, Alexander


I think this is possible with the latest version of my aiocomfoconnect component, installable from HACS (see my post somewhere above about the custom component).

If it doesn’t work, please create a bug in the homeassistant-aiocomfoconnect repo or post here. I can’t test this myself, but I remember fixing something for that.


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Hallo Michaël! Since the HA Core Update today, my comfoair integration stopped working. All entities show the same error: the integration does not provide them any more. I checked the IP of the connect box, still the same. I do have access via the Zehnder app to the system, so the IP can‘t be it. I restarted HA, no effect… Any idea?

I have the same… also tried deleting and adding it again. Doesn’t work.

Here it’s still working. However I updated the component in HACS first. Then updated HA to the newest version and the core update thereafter.

Ah, yes, an update made it work for me as well.

Well, I don‘t have it in HACS anymore, it is an integration. How and where did you get that update? I appreciate any help.

Look for the update.zehnder_comfoairq_update entity. You can update from there if there is an update available.


breinonline: thanks, but there are „0“ comfoair entities accessible.
I guess I will have to set up the integration from scratch although that is pain in the b…
Hopefully I manage to name all entities as I had them up to now.
Again thanks!