Zemismart IR Bridge Control universal remote support (Tuya & Smart life app) Home assistant?

Do we have Home assistant support for zemismart Zemismart IR Bridge Control universal remote that works with Tuya & Smart life app
Product link: https://it.aliexpress.com/item/Zemismart-IR-Ponte-di-Controllo-di-Aria-condizionata-Ventilatore-TV-Per-La-Vita-Intelligente-App-Google/32922000072.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.6f504c4deLy8Yt

Please help

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Last I contacted them, they told me that don’t plan to open their API for developers to integrate their devices with other systems. They focus mainly on GH, alexa and IFTTT

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Can we flash Tasmota or Espurna to get it inside Home assistant?