Zemismart KS-811 working with ESPHome!

Great stuff.

Thank you for the GPIO’s, adapted to Tasmota and working well.


I think the mind meld option would be great :wink:

Home someone can help me, I bought one of these switches (3 gang) v1.3, I tried tuya convert to flash the device with no success. I’m now trying to flash tasmota with a serial adapter. My question is how do I get the device in programm mode? I held the reset button, but it don’t seem to work. Please help.

Hold down gpio0 when turning it on (or when pressing the reset button)

@neilvangeffen, Sorry I only saw to post above now. My BAD. I was able to flash tasmota and loaded the following template: https://blakadder.github.io/templates/zemismart_KS-811_3gang.html. Everything looks fine except, the led of off switches flash. How can I stop the flashing led’s? and Then do I need to configure something in tasmota?

I’m having a DUMB day, LED’s will stop flashing as soon as you configure your MQTT details.

Glad you got there :slight_smile:
Can you share the tasmota template here for those that want to run Tasmota instead of esphome :slight_smile:

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I did, it works

You did what?

KS-811 3gang working with ESPHOME

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I have all 3 now, and checked the pinouts and they are updated in the first post :slight_smile:
1 way - GPIO0
2 way GPIO16 top, GPIO5 bottom
3 way GPIO16 top, GPIO5 middle, GPIO4 bottom

Status LED GPIO2
Load 1 GPIO13
Load 2 GPIO12
Load 3 GPIO14

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Hi all

Thanks for the work done here!
I have a three gang switch, when flashing via esphome I’m getting: “A fatal error occurred: MD5 of file does not match data in flash!”.
I’m using 3.3v - should I be using 5v?


Never had that sorry. I do power my switch from 5V when i have it running on the bench for testing and OTA programming… but use 3V3 when using the serial port for putting the initial code on…

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Thanks for responding Neil, probably saved me frying device :slight_smile:
I probably have a poor quality USB to TTL Serial Converter or had poor connections to the board.
Just documenting how I got mine to eventually flash in case it helps someone else:
I played around with esptool.py with various baud rates and settings without success.
Eventually I fed 5v to the board through the 5v pin (instead of using the regular 3.3V pin) while using the regular Tx/Rx/Gr pins and the flash worked. esptool.py --before default_reset --after no_reset --chip esp8266 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash -fm dout 0x0 my_esphome.bin
Flashing OTA now works with no issues.
Thanks again for doing the hard yards and letting us know how to proceed. Debating converting the whole house to these now.

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No problem. Glad you got it working!
I put nearly a dozen more into my house haha

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Since your not just using it for a light or the relay capabilities, perhaps your can try the press/click options:
Double Click, Long Click, Single Click


#-- GPIO16  - Top Button
#-- GPIO5   - Middle Button
#-- GPIO4   - Bottom Button    
  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO16
      mode: INPUT
      inverted: True
    name: "Livingroom Wall Switch Top"
    - timing:
        - ON for at most 1s
        - OFF for at most 1s
        - ON for at most 1s
        - OFF for at least 0.2s
        - logger.log: "Double Clicked Livingroom Wall Switch Top"
        # Switch on tv example
        - homeassistant.service:
          service: switch.turn_on
            entity_id: switch.tv_power          
    - timing:
        - ON for 1s to 2s
        - OFF for at least 0.5s
        - logger.log: "Single Long Clicked Livingroom Wall Switch Top"
        # Switch set scene / change light color
        - homeassistant.service:
          service: light.turn_on
            entity_id: light.downstairs_lights
            transition: 5
            color_name: blue
            brightness_pct: 50       
    - timing:
        - ON for at most 1s
        - OFF for at least 0.5s
              - logger.log: "Single Short Clicked Livingroom Wall Switch Top"           
                      - homeassistant.service:
                        service: light.toggle
                          entity_id: light.living_room
                          transition: 2
              - logger.log: "Not connected to API changing Livingroom Wall Switch Top Relay"
              - switch.toggle: livingroom_top_relay 
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Here is the pin out for the Zemismart one way:
switch GPIO0
Load GPIO12



Hello, how did you flash?

you open up the unit and connect to the RX and TX lines of the ESP8266 with a USB-UART converter like the FTDI adapters everyone uses. Then hold down GPIO0 as you turn it on, and flash it with esphome-flasher or some other tool.
Google flashing esp8266 and a wealth of information will pop up :slight_smile:

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