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I’m also looking for solution. The device connected but no function exposed. Please advise if you manage to work it out.

Have a look here, managed to get mine working with the new Pull Request:

You were able to add the mp43l into HA? Do you have full control and current position information? I just received a mp43l curtain rob. This thing is ZigBee correct? Finding info on these Chinese sites is very difficult. Any more info on how you set it up?

I have this one working with HA, not sure what yours is or if it is Zigbee ?

If you can pair it to ZHA, it will give you the Zigbee device signature and that will enable a quirk to be made to get it work, hopefully

hi, i’m also trying to connect the lock in ZHA but i haven’t succeeded yet If you can let me know. thanks

Hello ,
Did you ever managed to integrate the lock into HA directly ? I think it’s a little bit complicated since the lock use an algorithm to change the OTP every 60s. Most of the smart locks use fixed key , like the danalock V3 with a fixed 256bit key AES encryption.

Not direct control, at the moment I’m still using spare Android phone and control it using androidtv integration.

Still not able to integrate directly, inside the Airbnk app and found some key that might be able to help to decrypt the payload.

aesRule = “airbnkHaha123456”
AESDECRYPTWORKKEY = “b95c7440731f108c”
public static String SIGN_KEY = “seamoon2101234567890”

But I still not sure how to decrypt the payload.