Zemismart Z1 Remote Control HD Touch Screen Zigbee WiFi BLE

Hi guys,

I came across this neat looking remote on AliExpress although not been able to find any support/integration with HA. Keen to purchase it but don’t want to be stuck with the Zemismart/Tuya app to use it.

Model number says Zemismart Z1 - a Google search of this doens’t show anything too different to what the AliExpress description says. It looks pretty good, claims to have Zigbee, WiFi, Infrared, and BLE connectivity. I’m only looking to use Zigbee and WiFi.

Anyone seen this before or can advise on it? I’m going to buy it anyway and will post updates once I receive it and have a chance to tinker with it.

Stay tuned…

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Looks like it just IR & WiFi and would be able to trigger zigbee devices if you have a tuya bridge.

WiFi and IR only according to specifications mentioned in the pictures. It does not claim to have Zigbee or BLE at all. Cleary states it need to go via an external Tuya gateway/bridge/hub for Zigbee and BLE:

Interesting, well I need to learn to read better for sure. Thanks for clarifying that!

So no way that it can use Home Assistant with Zigbee as the “hub”, instead of the Tuya hub?

I like this remote as well, but I have no interest in buying Tuya devices, since I already have other ecosystems connected together in HA. Is it possible to expose those non-tuya devices to tuya (either cloud or LocalTuya) in any way and then use that remote to control them?

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Hi I19bal,

Don’t bother with this remote.

I’ve just brought it as the same thought as you. Looks great, but it is made out of plastic. It has WIFI, IR and also Bluetooth. But the Bluetooth only works if you have the gateway to pair the remote to the gateway for the initial setup to send over the wifi details. I have also purchased the gateway too, hence my findings. I haven’t tried adding a Bluetooth device to the remote.

I can’t seem to get it connected to Home Assistant via the cloud or local tuya intergration, it show up but i can only select the remote as a switch or other devices but not as a remote. So at the moment its useless. Yes, once paired with the Tuya gateway it’s fine. You can add in your IR devices but you cant customise the button layouts or remove any unused buttons, even if you manually teach your remote. The remote is part of tuya eco system, unless you have other tuya devices to use the zigbee side, not sure about the Bluetooth or WIFI side. But i can’t control my Yamaha amp over wifi, but can via IR.

Physical button on the remote is to navigate for the LCD, or some device with the direction and the ok button works like TV.

To add devices you still need the tuya app, even if the remote is standalone or with the gateway. You can point the remote at a device and then use the tuya app on your phone to control the devices you have added, if you want. It’s a glorified IR blaster. Haha

If you want a good remote then you will have to harmony elite with the hub of ebay as they have discontinued it.

Oh it also don’t wake up if you left it up, you have to press the physical button.

Zemismart has a better remote LF-DS01, but yet i still think this will be part of tuya eco system. To bad, as that remote looks and has cool features but with a high price tag.

Just to add, for remote, Sofabaton u2 or x1 but i don’t if it supported under home assistant.



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I only received it recently, and you are 100% right - it’s not great at all and is limited to the Tuya ecosystem. I’m waiting for someone to ‘hack’ it, and figure out if we can upload Tasmota or something similar to have control of it. It’s a decent looking device (my wife saw it and liked it, which is the first time she’s said anything nice about my gadgets :smiley: )

The interface is simple, the touchscreen is OK. There’s barely any config options available.

I have looked at Sofabaton and it’s really nice! I’ve spent the money on this Zemismart Z1 remote so I’m going to spend the next few months figuring out a use for it.

Right so I took the gamble and opened it up, I see the tx and rx pins!

See attached pictures, any ideas on if we can flash this with Tasmota or something? I’m going to do some research and give it a try. Sacrificing my £95 purchase for our HA community :laughing:

Will let you know how I get on.

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Oh this would be so a wonderful device if we could add our own menu / screens and simply catch the button presses over Wifi …

It does not use an ESP32, the SoC is an ANYKA, which seem to be mainly used in webcams. There is some work going on in that area, so maybe once there is some basic code, someone could add support in ESPHome, but i would not hold my breath…

Yeah I’ve given up on this since the day I posted it…

This was the feedback I was looking for although I was hoping for better news. Really wanted the Unfolded Circle R3 with it’s built in HA functionalities but it’s ridiculously expensive. I ended up getting this and while not a remote, the web interfeace does have options to connect to an MQTT broker so you can control Zigbee and other devices, I just don’t know MQTT well enough. They also have a version with Zigbee built in but for some reason has both and ESP32 and Tasmota chip, which seems redundant.

Since the R3 is to much I recently saw this, for $10 US, it’s an easy solution and while not a numpad and not a remote, it does give men 23 buttons to map to Home Assistant with no messing around with hardware, quick and easy y setup, and 33ft range (advertised). Just need a free USB port on your HA server.

I like this idea, it’s very creative. I was thinking could get a Bluetooth number pad and possibly map those somehow in HA? Or use the casing and swap it out with an ESP32, have it subscribe to an MQTT topic and publish topics when buttons are pressed. You’ve got me wanting to start a new project now. I have 100s of unfinished ones already lol.

The R3 does look lovely but I can’t yet justify buying it.

Don’t get a Bluetooth one, get the RF version as suggested in the video.

Someone else in another thread already tried the Bluetooth version and it’s not supported in the HA Bluetooth integration

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It’s WiFi direct but yes, don’t get a BT one. I tried another model that had a WiFi option and a WiFi/BT option. I ordered WiFi only and got WiFi/BT model. It worked but for some reason my BT remote kept unpairing from my Android TV box. I isolated the cause to sending ADB commands via the numpad. My best guess is it sends it over both wifi/BT and was confusing my the remote pairing. Ordered one linked above and it works great. I wouldn’t say strictly stick to this one though, just make sure it’s WiFi direct.

I’m still scratching my head on why you would need both outside not wanting to use the USB adapter but WiFi is better and more reliable than BT. It should be smart enough to know how it’s connected and send commands appropriately (over just WiFi or BT). At least that’s my speculation but nothing special about that one to get the same functionality. I would just avoid if you have any BT remotes that you want to map to the keypad.

I’m going to return it and get this. While pricey the main reason is more buttons, rechargeable battery, and most importantly replaceable key caps. I’ve got a P1S with AMS and you can print key caps so it would be super easy to paint on custom logos/icons. I wish they had it in black but printing all they keys in black will be pretty close. Would just look way better IMO but more expensive and time/effort.


Some cheaper but probably better, rechargeable battery or has more key options that should work with zero issues. I would get the first below is scissor switch keys were universal and not vendor specific. Last ill post about it, not trying to derail thread

More keys battery, scissor switch
More keys
More keys