ZEN16 Configuration Help

I have a Zooz ZEN16 Multirelay installed to control my garage door, but there are a few issues that I cannot seem to solve.

First, is that the device when added comes over as a switch with an “on” and “off” position. clicking the switch to “on” activates the door, but switching it “off” does not. I did see that there were some ZWave parameters to change, so I have done so, but those do not seem to be working as I have been told or would expect. Below are the parameters that I have set. Most importantly I have set the “Auto Turn-Off Timer” to 3 with the units being “seconds” and also changed the Type to “Garage door (momentary mode for Z-Wave control)” but the switch is staying in the “On” position and not reverting to off. Am I missing something here or is this just how this device is supposed to work?

Second, I have a Cover template setup to combine the multirelay with a binary window/tilt sensor that gives me the state of the door, open or close. The binary sensor seems to work fine and I have found the parameter that gives me the Open and Close just fine. The problem is that the Cover device just doesn’t work at all. I see it in my dashboard and can click the “Up” button, but nothing happens. I thought this may be related to my issue above so I made sure that the switch was in the “Off” position, but still clicking the “Up” button does nothing. I something wrong with my configuration?

- platform: template
        device_class: garage
        unique_id: 'garage_door_cover'
        friendly_name: "Garage Door 2"
        value_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.garage_door_tilt_sensor_window_door_is_open','Open') }}"
          - condition: state
            entity_id: binary_sensor.garage_door_tilt_sensor_window_door_is_open
            state: "Closed"
          - service: switch.turn_on
              entity_id: switch.garage_door_1
          - condition: state
            entity_id: binary_sensor.garage_door_tilt_sensor_window_door_is_open
            state: "Open"
          - service: switch.turn_on
              entity_id: switch.garage_door_1
          service: switch.turn_on
            entity_id: switch.garage_door_1
        icon_template: >-
          {% if is_state('binary_sensor.garage_door_tilt_sensor_window_door_is_open','Open') %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am definitely new to HomeAssistant and the way that things are configured.


Here is the second part of the parameters, I could not add it in the main post with the other as I was blocked from putting two in one post.

Are you using the latest firmware? Zooz OTA Firmware Files - Zooz Support Center

Zooz has a very responsive help desk, I’d sent them a note,

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Any update on this? Having the same problem.

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Same issues. I was using the Zen 16 on SmartThings but edge drivers broke the garage door functionality. New to HA. Have added the zen16 to Ha using zwave JS. What I can’t figure out is it’s one switch. The three relays should become their own devices but I don’t see them anywhere.

EDIT: My issue was despite HA showing up to date firmware, I had a firmware number that shouldn’t even have existed. I flashed latest FW from Zooz and all good.