This blueprint is for use with the Zooz ZEN32 Wall Mounted Scene Controller.
The blueprint combines the functions of other blueprints shared in this exchange that either ignore the state of the scene button LED or require an additional automation to manage the LED.
This blueprint integrates controlling the scene button LED state within the automation. The Scene button LED state is controlled when the scene button is pressed, the zwave switch is controlled locally or the z-wave switch state is modified by another automation.
name: Zooz_controller_light_switch_scene
"__Select one of the zen32 scene buttons to control another z-wave light switch.__<br>
This automation does two functions:<br>
1. Toggle the state of the selected z-wave light switch when the corresponding scene button is pressed.<br>
2. Synchronize the scene button LED to the state of the z-wave light switch.<br>
The scene button LED synchronization state is the same as all the other buttons in this project:<br>
- If the light is on, the scene LED is off.<br>
- If the light is off, the scene LED is on.<br>
The scene button LED synchronization is maintained if the z-wave light is switched from<br>
- the z-wave controller scene button (ZEN32)<br>
- or from the z-wave switch.<br>
- or from a Home Assistant entity button or scene. <br>
When Home Assistant starts, the light switch state is read and synchronized to the scene button.<br>
A description and manuals for the ZEN32 are on the vendors page:
domain: automation
name: Light Switch
description: "The z-wave light switch entity controlled locally or by the
the selected scene button event.<br>
The state of this switch is reflected in the scene button LED selected below."
domain: light
multiple: false
name: Scene Controller
description: The scene controller device. Zen32 expected.
integration: zwave_js
name: Scene Button
description: "Select which scene button to control the light switch entity.<br>
The each scene controller button generates an event that is used<br>
to control the light switch entity.<br><br>
Select one of the four values depending one which scene button will control the light switch:<br>
* Scene button 1 is 001,<br>
* Scene button 2 is 002,<br>
* Scene button 3 is 003,<br>
* Scene button 4 is 004<br>
Each scene button has its own LED to reflect the scene state."
name: Trigger ID for the scene event.
description: Unique ID for the scene controller trigger
name: Zen32 Scene button LED Config Parameter
description: The Zen32 configuration parameter number.<br>
* LED for scene button 1 is parameter 2.<br>
* LED for scene button 2 is parameter 3.<br>
* LED for scene button 3 is parameter 4.<br>
* LED for scene button 4 is parameter 5.<br>
- platform: homeassistant
event: start
- platform: state
entity_id: !input "light_switch"
- platform: device
device_id: !input "scene_controller"
domain: zwave_js
type: event.value_notification.central_scene
property: scene
property_key: !input "scene_button"
endpoint: 0
command_class: 91
subtype: Endpoint 0 Scene !input "scene_button"
value: 0
id: !input "event_trigger_id"
condition: []
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: trigger
id: !input "event_trigger_id"
- service: light.toggle
entity_id: !input "light_switch"
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: state
entity_id: !input "light_switch"
state: "on"
- service: zwave_js.set_config_parameter
parameter: !input "led_config_parameter"
value: "2"
device_id: !input "scene_controller"
- conditions:
- condition: state
entity_id: !input "light_switch"
state: "off"
- service: zwave_js.set_config_parameter
parameter: !input "led_config_parameter"
value: "3"
device_id: !input "scene_controller"
mode: single
Please refer to the GitHub repository for the latest version of this blueprint.