Zerotier VPN and device-tracker

Hi! I installed Zerotier on my HA as I like to keep my LAN closed from outside.
I also installed Zerotier on the phones of the family members. The phones are used in some of my automations. Zerotier works great on the phones. It is auto-enabled on startup. The only problem I have is when the user force-closes all apps the Zerotier VPN is shut down as well (already happened several times). From that moment on the automations that use that phone as a tracker device don’t work any more.
Is this expected behaviour? I would expect a VPN would keep running in the background until you close it?

  • Is there any way to prevent closing Zerotier when force-closing all apps?
  • If that is not possible is there a way to auto-restart it?
  • If also not possible, is there a way to let the HA companion app restart it?
  • If not, any suggestion for another solution?

The first two questions are probably better answered by ZeroTier’s support - though you may want to encourage people to stop doing that.

Thank you for your respons. I’m using a self-hosted community edition, so I don’t think ZeroTier’s support will answer those question. I assume they only answer questions for the enterprise editions

They’ve got a community forum too…

I’ve seen that, but it’s down. I’ll try that one again later