⚡ Zeus Icon Set for Lovelace


I just wanted to share a project I’ve been working on for quite some time that I recently integrated with Home Assistant: Zeus Icon Set

The set currently consists of 937 icons in multiple formats (one of them being, obviously, the html/svg needed for Home Assistant).
The built-in Material Design Icons set is great and has tons and tons of icons, but I needed some custom made, so I decided to port my existing icon set and keep adding new icons into it to help customize my Lovelace UI.

The set only costs $10 and comes with free icon requests included, but since I’ve gotten so much from this community, I’ve created this “free sample” with 30 icons for you to try: https://github.com/XusBadia/zeus-icon-set-ha

I hope you like it.


The only thing I see that might be an issue is the unfortunate naming since “zha” is already used in HA for the zigbee platform. I’m sure it could lead to some confusion. I was momentarily confused myself until I realized what was going on.

You are probably right!

Do you know if it must be 3 characters long?

I’ve honestly got no idea.

If it is then maybe go with “zus:” or something?

Sounds good. I’ll change it and update the repo files. Thanks!

It can be any length.

Thanks, Thomas! I’ve updated the repo with the new codename (‘zeus’) and will update the main icon set in the next release.

BTW: extra_html_url is to be deprecated eventually, as browsers remove support for it. There’s a extra_module_url already in place to replace it, but it requires some changes to the code - it imports javascript modules rather than html.

I’ll get around to update the FA icon set eventually…

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I didn’t know that! Is there some example or documentation to port the html file to the new format (I guess .js)?


No, not yet. But basically, you’d just have to wrap the html in a function that puts it somewhere on the page.
The deprecation is still far in the future, so it’s not a big problem. I just know about it because I made the change to core.

Ok, thanks! I’m glad I’m safe for now, but I’ll keep that in mind for when the time comes.

Hi @xusbadia! I really like the style of your icons! I’ve tried to install the package, but without success. I have the “hass-zha-icons.html” file in my config/www folder, and I added:

    - /local/hass-zha-icons.html

to config.yaml. But still nothing. I’m not able to recall your icons (I’ve tried with zha:, zeus: and zus:). I’ve checked the logs but I can’t find any error or reference to the HTML file. Any suggestion? How can I try to debug it? Thank you in advance!


Are you running the latest version of Home Assistant (0.110)? They changed the way icons are loaded.

I’ll work on a fix as soon as possible, but I have to uninstall Home Assistant since I’m moving to a new place and haven’t had the chance to fix it yet.

As soon as I have it, I’ll post it here! Thanks for your patience!

Hi! Yes, I have the latest version. Ok, I will wait, looking forward to use your icons! Cheers

I’ve just released an update with a fix for 0.110. Thanks a lot to Ernout (don’t know if he’s in the forums) for providing a solution!

Official page: https://badia.me/zeus
CreativeMarket: https://creativemarket.com/XusBadia/667495-Zeus-1051-Icons-Set

Let me know if it works!


I like your icons, but didn’t succeed in getting it to work. I put the hass-zeus-icons.html in the config/www/icons/ folder and my configuration.yaml has the location:

    - /local/icons/hass-zeus-icons.html

Also I’m confused to where the update is that you are talking about. The github page hasn’t been updated in 15 months.


In v. 0.110 they changed how the icons worked… I updated the Zeus Icon Set (the one you can find on the website or CreativeMarket), but didn’t get around updating the GitHub repo. My apologies.

The repo is updated now with the necessary files and instructions. Let me know if it works!

Thanks. I got it to work with javascript file.

A suggestion:
the configuration as described only works for when you’re using yaml for the dashboards. If you use the UI for the dashboard you will need to add the resource on the https://domain.com/config/lovelace/resources page.

Thanks! I’ll update the git repo as soon as possible.