ZHA: Aqara Blind Motor E1 cover type shows as "Drapery" - How to change

As per the title and the last line of the screenshot below. Any suggestions for how to change this to “Blind”. Thanks.

Either temporary workaround for only you installation by modifying the device type in configuration.yaml → https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/zha#modifying-the-device-type or permanently fix it for everyone that has the same device by creating a ZHA Device Handler (also known as “quirk”) for that device → https://github.com/zigpy/zha-device-handlers/

More general info in ZHA docs on why ZHA Device Handlers (zha-quirks) are sometimes needed for some devices → https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/zha#how-to-add-support-for-new-and-unsupported-devices (basically a quirk is needed to fix manufacturer specific features and custom functions or mistakes)

Thanks very much. I’ll look into creating a quirk.

FYI, it might be easier to create a Quick V2 than a Quick V1 but Quick V2 are very new:

Hi @ronschaeffer , I have the exact same issue but couldn’t fix it with the “modify device type” method. Did you manage to build a new quirk for this?
I have to say I don’t have the skills to develop a quirk on my own…
Thanks in advance!

I haven’t tried yet, I’m afraid. It looks like a lot of effort for what is a relatively small annoyance compared to other things on my project list. On hold for now.

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