Hi, I wonder if it´s possible to get the orientation of the Aqara vibration sensor included via ZHA?
I can only get the tilt angle, but I will almost every time get 81 degrees, no matter how I place the sensor. My goal is to see if my garage door is open or closed and I think that the orientation value would be a better way to go.
I am keen to know if you got it to work?
When I open the garage door it sends a signal with an angle (in the arguments seen in the event listener), When it rests for some time it sends a new message with vibration strength. Not an updated angle.
Similar when it is closed. This makes is useless as a garageport Open/close sensor. Anyone managed?
Seems like some are using the SQL databasen in the zha (I have not found a way into that yet), but it seems like a very long way to get angles out.
No, I have not managed to solve it. I think I will be using a door/window sensor instead. But I´m trying to figure out how to connect to my 2 garage door motors so that I can open and close them from HA.
I installed deConz instead. It gives the tiltangles, but they are not updated very often. I concluded after 10 open and close scenarionus that it updated too slowly and not the “angle” when vibration stops.
For anyone else still trying to do this, I finally came across this article which seems to put together a bunch of other pieces of info I’ve come across:
Basically, the tilt angle is meaningless but the orientation update pretty quickly so you can create a template sensor using that. Like the article, I found the last entry in orientation to be the useful one if mounted vertically (the sensor button on top). In my case, the values ranged from 15 (straight up) to -85 (front of sensor face down).