Hello all,
I’m very new to the world of HA and I’m still getting used to and learning all the different things related to HA. I am looking to replace my unreliable Wyze strip controllers that keep disconnecting from the network randomly with a ZHA-compatible Zigbee controller (I’m assuming all Zigbee controllers will work with ZHA?) in hopes of eliminating the whole need to connect to the cloud.
I am planning to use this LED strip to light up kitchen counter by mounting the strips underneath my kitchen cabinets - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08QRDF5YK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1
The LED strip is a 12V strip and only has two cables, the 12V and ground.
Does anyone know any zigbee LED strip controller that I can use to power and control the above strip? I don’t need anything fancy, I just want the strips to fade in and out when automated by HA. The cheaper the controller is (without sacrificing performance or quality) the better it is for me since I need a few of them, plus power source. Oh, and speaking of power source, please also recommend a compatible power source, a slim and sleek one if you know of one.
Quick edit: Ideally if I can purchase them on Amazon, that’ll be better, even if they’re a little bit more expensive.
Thank you in advance!