ZHA, Conbee II and Hue Dimmer switch

I´m using a new Conbee II with ZHA and I pair a Hue dimmer switch with it. But the only entity I could see is “power”. How could I use the buttons? If I enable Debug logging I could see an log entry after pressing a button. I don’t want to use a blueprint - I want to know how it works :).
Please could someone push me in the right direction? Thanks!

I’m using with deconz, and the only entity I get is the power.
However, when I go to create an automation, I can select the device, then pick the event which I want (defaults to battery level, but I can change to one of the various buttons being pressed. or held. you probably want to automate on the held, which would repeat, if they present the data in the same way. You’d get it firing repeatedly, while you hold the button down, so you can reduce the brightness in steps, until you hit zero (or below) or increase until you hit 255 (or above)