ZHA Crash, Twice!

Home Assistant 2023.3.0
Supervisor 2023.01.1
Operating System 9.5
Frontend 20230301.0 - latest
ZHA crashed, by crash I mean nearly all devices become unavailable and Sonoff Dongle Routers become unpaired and wouldnt re-pair and have to be re-flashed. One or 2 devices within 6 feet of Coordinator remain connected and functioning . This happened when I got up to 70 devices and 220 entities. This also happened 3 months earlier with Conbee Coordinator when I got to around 60 devises. At that time there where no Sonoff Dongle Routers attached. I just spent 5 hours getting 40 devices re paired with Coordinator ( coordinator now has updated Zstack firmware). So now half the house is back up, sort of.
Any suggestions so I don’t waste another 8-12 hours as I haven’t really changed anything so there is no reason to think it wont happen again. System will grow to 100 -120 devices over time.