ZHA Curtains module calibration


Did you find a solution? I have the same problem…

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Still not, the it would be great if we can set a time to go up and a time to go down, instead of only one value. (as the time to go up and down is different).

I don’t know when the motor is new if there is a difference to go up and down. (or it’s only when the motor is old).


Hello, I came from Zigbee2Mqtt which it was very easy to set such things on UI. Is this not possible in “normal” zigbee? I wanted to give it try but this is pretty useless with good configuration methods. I think will switch back to Z2M in a few days.

Can someone help me with this, My curtains “Loratap” TS130F_by _TZ3000_dbpmpco1

Cannot be calibrated, I followed the steps exactly as Basmijer explained, but the set values are not being saved.

Normally it would be necessary to set acceleration_time_lift to a value of 10-20 (1-2s). But it is not possible to set acceleration_time_lift. Is this because the device does not support it or is this a problem of ZHA?

Yes that would be nice, thats also my wish!

Any update how to calibrate the device with ZHA?

Have you been using this till today? Have you faced any issues for the repeated writes?

As of today it seems there has been no progress on the possibility to use velocity_lift, acceleration_time_lift… And neither the possibility to specify two different calibration times…

I tried writing on velocity and acceleration but it seems like they are read only…

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Looks like there are still no updates on this. I am experiencing the same behavior as @alaturqua. Did someone use these devices with Zigbee2MQTT and can tell me if the problem persists there as well? :flushed:

Hi. I know how I will solve issue when curtain is not completely opening because it was previously not fully closed.

  1. Calibration time must be set a little longer than curtain is opening.
  2. There is this attribute. When curtain is not moving I can set it to for example 95. This will not move curtain, but will change it “internal” position. So it can go up for another 5%. My idea is to make a automaton that will subtract a few percent after each time curtain has been moved down. More movement = more percent subtracted.

Here is crude automation which I did for my largest curtain (31 seconds calibration time). After short testing I am sure that it helps. Will add this to all of my curtains but will change value “4” to something lower for smaller windows. Keep in mind that ieee address is hardcoded.

alias: Shutter correction
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - cover.roleta_sypialnia_lewa_roleta
    from: closing
    to: open
condition: []
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 2
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: zha.set_zigbee_cluster_attribute
      endpoint_id: 1
      cluster_id: 258
      attribute: 8
      value: "  {{max(state_attr('cover.roleta_sypialnia_lewa_roleta','current_position')-4,0)}}"
      cluster_type: in
      ieee: a4:c1:38:af:70:8a:53:e6
    enabled: true
mode: single
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Wow, what a thick beefy bunch of knowledge. Thanks!


I have the following device: TS0601 by _TZE200_nhyj64w2
And for the life of me cant get it to calibrate.

I tried the above mentioned tutorial but that did not work, I also cant seem to find the following option “Cluster Attribute Calibration_time (id: 0xf003)”

Tried calibrating with the tuya app, seems to have worked there, but as soon as I move it to HA its broken again.

Can I help somehow to resolve this issue? Does anyone else had success?

This code does not solve the problem. The problem normally arises when the roller blind goes only 50% down and up again, 50% down and up again, multiple times.

Did you get this code to work? Or did you somehow found another solution for your issue. I looks like I have the same challenge :slight_smile:

No, no luck so far. I have not given up though. I plan to get back to that issue. However I am hoping a developer would take a look and I am willing to send him a device if needed.

I did find few threads on this topic, so hopefully someone finds a solution.

Thank you for your outstanding instructions! I’ve almost figured it out by myself but the error I made was to trying to save value into Manufacturer code ovveride
instead Value. I know - I’m dumb. But now I have maybe even dumber question.

What the hell this swtich does above curtians control buttons?


It can be switched ON and OFF but nothing really happens.

So, how did you solve it?
And that switch… Not a clue what it is :stuck_out_tongue:

Well… Exactly as described at top of the post. I just made small error by puting value in wrong field but generally follow the instructions on top and should work

Hey guys, I was having all the issues you mentioned and ended up creating a blueprint to automatically calibrate the covers!

Here it is: ZHA - Automatically calibrate Zigbee covers