but i installed Deconz and Phoscon and cant get it it work as anything other than a temp senosr
i see explanations of how to make it work with ZHA, but I cant seem to get that installed.
Q: Does having Deconz installed block ZHA install? Or can you have both
Q: Does ZHA work ‘better’ or with more devices than Deconz? Because i cant get this button to work on Deconz
Connectivity between a Zigbee network to Homeassistant, and they all do it slightly differently. As such youll find minor behavior differences. Each approach brings pros and cons. You will need to make the determination of which works best for you, yourself. (its not as cut and dried as SmartThings, where you use a hub or no.)
Personally the ability to easily write my own adjustments for ‘unsupported devices’ was why I personality went with Z2MQTT. I could absolutely use a feature of ZHA to push an OTA update to an ‘unsupported device’ right now but its jot worth switching for that.
My 2 cents… Deconz is bloaty rubbish. I tried it and found many devices not supported. As soon as I got rid of it and started again with ZHA, life was easy. I haven’t tried Z2M as I haven’t had a need for it so far but I do understand it provides a few additional features to ZHA.
When puzzling if a zigbee device works do check for events from the device on the developer tools event tab. Some don’t show up as switches or sensors, they just generate events when you click them and then you have to create your entity from that.