šŸŽ® ZHA, deCONZ, Zigbee2MQTT - Ikea 5-button Remote Universal blueprint - all actions + double click events - control lights, media players and more with Hooks

Hi @Denth,

thank you for your feedback. Youā€™re right, documentation was a little bit unclear regarding that specific blueprint input. The issue has been recently fixed and docs now clearly state the text helper is required in all controller blueprints. :smiley:

If you still have any doubts or need additional guidance to setup your automations, Iā€™m here to help.
Enjoy the blueprints!

UPDATE: After removing a re-pairing my IKEA button devices, they starting working as expected again.

Yesterday while using HA 2021.11.5 the automations I created with this blueprint and the related hook were working fantastic. Iā€™m using the zigbee2mqtt settings

After updating to HA 2021.12.0 today, my automations are not working the same anymore.
Pressing the action button up, now results in the related bulb dimming.
Pressing the action button down turns off the light.

Pressing the left or right button used to change the colour temperature, now nothing happens.

Iā€™m seeing similar issues with the automations created from the E1812 and E1743 blueprints.
I donā€™t believe this has anything to do with these blueprints, I suspect that something changed ā€œunder the hoodā€ of HA that has caused this.

Is anyone else seeing this?
Iā€™m going to move my coordinator over to my test system and try it with ZHA and see if I have similar results.

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Great work, love your work!

Is it possible to map a button to switch default zigbee group< so I could fx double press middle button and the other buttons also switch the the ā€œnewā€ default zibee group?

Forgive me, but english is not my primary language.

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Great News!!! My 2 new IKEA E1524/E1810 TRƅDFRI Wireless 5-Button Remotes showed up today and Iā€™m loving one so far along with this blueprint and hooks.

Hereā€™s a question. Can I set 1 remote (and/or) button to control some lights with the other buttons. And also use the same remote/buttons maybe for volume controls depending onā€¦

For exampleā€¦
Double/single click a button = all other buttons now control a light. Not media
Double/single click another button = all other buttons now control media. Or a different light/s.
Conditionā€¦ Is that what those are called?

Is this already in there and I just donā€™t realize it yet?
And darn!!! Thanks for all your coding and information. Great work youā€™ve done.

When I long-press the center button, the Center button short press is fired inmediately and a few seconds later, the actual Center button long press actions are fired.

Is this expected behaviour, long-press also fires short press?

Thank you for the template, itā€™s great and has allowed me to go from 3 buttons to 1 remote for this area!

I see now that you explained it on that reply, and itā€™s more widely described here: Ikea Tradfri switches "long press" - #4 by xaviml

I guess then itā€™s what it is, just not mentioned in the Blueprint :slight_smile:

Did you find out how to do it? I was trying today to do that but I didnā€™t succeed

After my Ikea hub burned down (one of the chips is cooked well done) I was looking for a replacement hub, but unfortunately theyā€™re pretty much unobtainium, so I decided to go with a conbee II stick. Iā€™ve deconz up and running next to HA on my home build nas, so far so good.
Iā€™ve to say the user experience of the buttons was very lacking at the start, but these blueprints are pretty awesome! It definitely feels more like the out of the box experience I had with the ikea hub.

Right now only 2 things are bothering me, one of which is the colour rotation but I guess I can figure that out by using scenes.
The one that bothers me most is HA not remembering the last brightness of a bulb after turning it off. Deconz does manages to do this, but there the user interaction is less good. Is there any way to achieve this on HA as well?

Has something changed recently that would effect this automation?

I noticed a few weeks ago my short press up/down buttons are no longer working to set the brightness value of my lights.

My setup is quite simple with down short press to 10% brightness and up short press to 100% brightness.

I have the same issue since the HA 2022.4.x release I think. Hoping a fix is posted soonā€¦

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FYI: Looks like a fix for this is being worked on, here: Fix button_up/down_long not working in HASS 2022.4.3 by kanflo Ā· Pull Request #314 Ā· EPMatt/awesome-ha-blueprints Ā· GitHub


If youā€™re like me donā€™t have enough patient to wait for the fix to get merged. You can just import the fix manually from here: awesome-ha-blueprints/blueprints/controllers at fe4e058d71bc1a51ad0038e91cadf5f63fab3014 Ā· EPMatt/awesome-ha-blueprints Ā· GitHub

Pick your controller device, copy the url for the yaml-file and import as Blueprint in Home Assistant.
For example, this is for the url for the 5-button remote (e1524/e1810): https://github.com/EPMatt/awesome-ha-blueprints/blob/fe4e058d71bc1a51ad0038e91cadf5f63fab3014/blueprints/controllers/ikea_e1524_e1810/ikea_e1524_e1810.yaml

I just imported it and all buttons finally works again!


I am trying to setup this blueprint with my Ikea button but I am struggling to get it working and I think it is something to do with the input_text. I created the following

Should something be configured inside this other than this

Is the fix not merged yet?

Hi, this looks to me a great work. Unfortunately the Up and Down button are not working. All otthers are working.
I have a Remote Control Tradfri E1810 and an Ikea Lamp Tradfi 250lm. Both connected to HA with ZHA via Sonoff bridge flashed with Tasmota.

After a lot of debugging I found out that the Up and Down button of my Controller are not sending the right message.
This is what I get when clicking in each of the 5 buttons:

  • Center Button: toggle (OK, as expected)
  • Left Button: ā€œpress_257_13_0ā€ (OK, as expected)
  • Right Button: ā€œpress_256_13_0ā€ (OK, as expected)
  • Down Button: ā€œstep_StepMode.Down_43_5_bitmap8.0_bitmap8.0ā€ (WRONG. According to the Blueprint ā€œstep_1_43_5ā€ is expected)
  • Up Button: ā€œstep_with_on_off_StepMode.Up_43_5ā€ (WRONG. According to the Blueprint ā€œstep_with_on_off_0_43_5ā€ is expected)

This explains why nothing is executed when pressing Up and Down button.

Anyone with similar experience or any hint?

Thanks a lot in advance!

same here :slightly_frowning_face:

I have the same issue. Left and Right button works like a charm. Canā€™t make Up and Down buttons work.

I have tripple checked that the mapping in /config/blueprints/automation/EPMatt/ikea_e1524_e1810.yaml is identical to what I receive from the Ikea controller.

Iā€™m using zha and ConBee II

Any good ideas? I would love to have this wonderfull blueprint to work!!

For me just the center button works.

Ikea E1524 with ZHA and Sonoff Zigbee USB 3.0.

Funny, Iā€™m looking for blueprints because I have the same problem with an other blueprint (frenckā€™s). Iā€™m using the same hardware as youā€¦

Must be problem with all the blueprints then.

My E1524 with controllerX center, up and down button working. Left and right doesnā€™t work. With any blueprint only center button works.