🎮 ZHA, deCONZ, Zigbee2MQTT - Ikea 5-button Remote Universal blueprint - all actions + double click events - control lights, media players and more with Hooks

I am having some trouble with the automation and light groups.
Whenever I turn my light group on/off using this automation, things work as expected.

However, if I turn the light group on directly, using HA’s native light card, one of my lights are always at lowest brightness, every time. I didnt have this issue when I used other blueprints for the 5-button remote.
Any idea how I could solve this?

Hi are you just toggling the light?
If so, you could specify the brightness when turning on.

Hi - Love this blueprint. I’m using ZHA and my up/down E1810 buttons weren’t working. I noticed the ZHA event string didn’t match the blueprint. I updated it to the following and it’s working now:

      - step_with_on_off_StepMode.Up_43_5
      - move_with_on_off_MoveMode.Up_84
      - stop_with_on_off
      - step_StepMode.Down_43_5_0_0
      - move_MoveMode.Down_84_0_0

Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this, but sharing in case it helps anyone.


I got my IKEA E1810 with a Tradfri RGB-light setup in my HA. Everything is working great. However, when I change the color (for example, warm white to RGB) I cannot get the warm white back. Only the RGB colors such as blue, red, green, yellow, orange etc.

Now, I’ve tried setting up a ‘Center button long press’ in order to restore the color temperature to 370 mireds. But this is not working. Am I doing something wrong? Z2M integration.

Call Service (Light Toggle, Color Temp 370 Mireds)

I will make a pull request with these changes to GitHub - lsismeiro/awesome-ha-blueprints: A curated collection of automation blueprints for Home Assistant. as soon as I can

Try light.turn_on instead just for sanity check?

Hi @viezevis @mjmcg @djgizmo et al,

I’ve just made a branch on the fork, here’s your new blueprint.

Please can you test by importing the above blueprint and switching your automations?

If the fix is confirmed I will create a pull request and merge.

@LewisSpring I overrided the current blueprint with yours. For the Center button long press i’ve set Color Temperature to 370 Mireds (as mentioned). However, when I press the center button the light immediately turns off.

Long press center button does not change the light color with the call service light.toggle on 370 Mireds color temperature.

Do you have a hook running for the remote? Maybe it is clashing?

Also try not using Toggle, as that may be the issue?

Hi everyone, when I use this (very awesome!) Blueprint, the z2m log throws three entries on a single click (doesn’t matter which button). It looks like this:

MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/Remote Family Room Lights', payload '{"action":"toggle","battery":90,"linkquality":102,"update":{"installed_version":604241925,"latest_version":604241925,"state":"idle"},"update_available":false}'

MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/Remote Family Room Lights', payload '{"action":"","battery":90,"linkquality":102,"update":{"installed_version":604241925,"latest_version":604241925,"state":"idle"},"update_available":false}'

MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/Remote Family Room Lights/action', payload 'toggle'

Is this the expected behavior? As far as I can tell, the automation does what it’s supposed to, but I am confused by this. Timestamps are identical to the second.


I believe this is normal as the payload/action is changing. The action/state will change momentarily in Z2M and go back to being blank afterwards. This is why a Input Helper is needed in Home Assistant to keep track of the last action, I believe.

Hope that helps

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This is actually really helpful, thank you :slight_smile: