🎮 ZHA, deCONZ, Zigbee2MQTT - IKEA E1766 TRÅDFRI Open/Close Remote Universal blueprint - all actions - control lights, media players and more with Hooks

This blueprint is part of the Awesome HA Blueprints project.
Read more about it on the related Community Forum topic. :rocket:

Updates will be published on the project’s GitHub repository.

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Option 2: Direct Link

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:link: Blueprint URL

:page_facing_up: Description

IKEA E1766 TRÅDFRI Open/Close Remote

This blueprint provides universal support for running any custom action when a button is pressed on the provided IKEA E1766 TRÅDFRI Open/Close Remote. Supports controllers integrated with deCONZ, ZHA, Zigbee2MQTT. Just specify the integration used to connect the remote to Home Assistant when setting up the automation, and the blueprint will take care of all the rest.

The blueprint also adds support for virtual double button press events, which are not exposed by the controller itself.

Automations created with this blueprint can be connected with one or more Hooks supported by this controller.
Hooks allow to easily create controller-based automations for interacting with media players, lights, covers and more. See the list of Hooks available for this controller for additional details.

:closed_book: Full Documentation

Full documentation regarding requirements, inputs and more is available here.

Docs provide all the information you need to properly configure this blueprint on your instance.

:electric_plug: Available Hooks

:bulb: Light

This Hook blueprint allows to build a controller-based automation to control a light. Supports brightness and color control both for white temperature and rgb lights.

Light Hook docs

:loud_sound: Media Player

This Hook blueprint allows to build a controller-based automation to control a media player. Supports volume setting, play/pause and track selection.

Media Player Hook docs

:door: Cover

This Hook blueprint allows to build a controller-based automation to control a cover. Supports opening, closing and tilting the cover.

Cover Hook docs

:information_source: Changelog

Updated list of changes and improvements is available here.

Happy automating to everyone! :fire:


Here is an updated version which uses directly Z2M MQTT json action.
So it will work with upcoming Z2M 2.0.0.

  name: IKEA E1766 TRÅDFRI Open/Close Remote
    "Tested with IKEA E1766 TRÅDFRI Open/Close Remote.
    \n\n You can have different actions on short press (open/close) and on hold release (long press) aka stop. \n\n
    Make sure to manually create a separate Text Helper per dimmer
    device and define its entity in the automation. It's used to store the last controller
    event to filter possible empty events and handle 'button hold once' actions. "
  domain: automation
      name: MQTT Topic
      description: Topic of the IKEA E1766 Remote
      default: zigbee2mqtt/<device name>
      name: (Required) Helper - Last Controller Event
        Input Text used to store the last event fired by the controller.
        You will need to manually create a text input Helper entity for this.
      default: ""
            - input_text
          multiple: false
      name: OPEN button press (once)
      description: Action to run
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: OPEN button hold release
      description: Action to run
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: CLOSE button press (once)
      description: Action to run
      default: []
        action: {}
      name: CLOSE button hold release
      description: Action to run
      default: []
        action: {}
mode: restart
max_exceeded: silent
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: !input mqtt_topic
  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{ trigger.payload_json.action != '' }}"
  - variables:
      helper_last_controller_event: !input helper_last_controller_event
      command: "{{ trigger.payload_json.action }}"
      prev_command: "{{ states(helper_last_controller_event) }}"
  - service: input_text.set_value
      entity_id: !input helper_last_controller_event
      value: "{{ command }}"
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - '{{ command == "open" }}'
        sequence: !input open
      - conditions:
          - '{{ command == "close" }}'
        sequence: !input close
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - '{{ command == "stop" and prev_command == "open" }}'
        sequence: !input open_hold_release
      - conditions:
          - '{{ command == "stop" and prev_command == "close" }}'
        sequence: !input close_hold_release

Have fun


Thank you, since the update of Z2M it was not working anymore and I didn’t find an updated Blueprint.
Copying this one local to a new blueprint fixed my remote control again :slight_smile:

You’re welcome :grin:


I finished updating all of EPMatts blueprints to work with zigbee2mqtt 2.x.
They are on my fork of his repo.


All links (website & docs) should work so no need to download manually unless you want to.

Blueprints largely remain untested (Controllers and Hooks) so would love some feedback.

As a bonus I added support for a new Controller

IKEA E2201 RODRET Dimmer

If you run into an issue I still would like you to open an issue on EPMatt’s Repo but mention if the blueprint or hook is from my fork.

EPMatt Issue

Enjoy Ohh one last thing

      **WARNING** **Breaking Change**:

The controller_entity input has been deprecated, and controller_device is now mandatory.

If you are a Zigbee2MQTT user and plan to update this blueprint, please make sure to remove the controller_entity input from your automation config and add the device ID of your controller to the controller_device input.

To obtain the device ID from your controller, configure the automation from the UI and use the device selector dropdown on the controller_device input to select your controller.