ZHA delay arming

When activating the alarm via the keypad, it arms immediately. It ignores the set delay value’s in the built-in alarm (manual). I get around this by triggering the manual alarm.

Request: have an option to set an arming delay when activated via the keypad or respect the set delay arming time mentioned in the manual alarm.


Great if it by default set 30-second delay time ‘pending’ arming on all alarm control panels as standard.

The manual alarm control panel platform delay_time integer is optional (defaults to 60 seconds if set):




Industry-standard on security alarm system is normally to beep for 30-seconds to warn before arming?

PS: As another example, this feature request would probably also apply to the Z-Wave JS integration:


After a few years, this is still not implemented and is an fairly easy feature. z2m has the ability to send it to the keypad but ZHA doesn’t. Then again, Z2M has a bug which means the entry/exit delay doesn’t work on the technicolor TC model but does on the universal UE model…