ZHA Device Support - Add Features

I am generally a fan of ZHA, I think its great and it’s come a long way, I am however slightly confused on why something simple has not been added

In October 2022 this was posted up: Tuya configuration for `tuya_manufacturer` cluster by javicalle · Pull Request #81311 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Basically the features are already there in ZHA to change some parameters on devices but more user friendly buttons in the UI are not there and need adding

I don’t understand why this hasn’t been added and why this process seems so slow?

I very much would like ZHA to do well but considering Z2M can get brand new devices fully supported in a few days and it’s taken ZHA over a year to add UI to a feature makes you wonder what the future brings…

I can be frustrating, I agree, but ZHA and Z2M take completely different approaches.

ZHA follows the Zigbee specification; Z2M effectively requires a new device handler for every new device. This means that new devices that are standards compliant will work out of the box with ZHA, whereas there may be a short delay before they will work with Z2M. On the other hand, non-compliant devices get a device handler quite quickly with Z2M (it’s an open cource project - lots of people contributing) and this can take a while with ZHA - if it ever happens.

The real problem is the way manufacturers (especially in China) fudge the Zigbee standard. You may be better off switching to Z2M.

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"ZHA follows the Zigbee specification; Z2M effectively requires a new device handler for every new device. "

"The real problem is the way manufacturers (especially in China) fudge the Zigbee standard. "

Some standard :smirk:

As I understand the ‘zigbee’ standard, it has always supported manufacturer specific entries. With so many new and innovative devices and ideas, the path to success is having lots of smart tinkers that are able to reverse engineer new things.

There is just a much larger community of folks in the Zigbee2MQTT universe than the ZHA space. Not a standards thing, rather a reverse engineering thing.