where does one locate the info/doc/code or anything on what the various zha_event fired data mean when using ikea traadfri wireless dimmer (the round one) ?
I can see endpoint_id: 1, cluster_id: 8 and various commands and some args - some I can guess but others is just mysterious
any good way to find where/how to map these to something useful ?
It takes some Sherlock Holmes work…
This example captures the events for a Aqara Cube. Steps: capture, decode, plan what you want to do and then create automations that triggered by the events you want.
Get the ZHA Device Handlers quirks, aka what the device does:
For this Aqara Cube example:
To get the events a little easier, go outside HA with hass-cli
Automation event triggers:
hass-cli event watch zha_event | tee cube.txt
grep -i "00:15:8d:00:02:a3:dd:aa" -B 2 -A 15 < cube.txt
And yes, used hass-cli to even get this far before posting; I wrote hass-cli to be able to do things like event watchs and i’m happy to see it still works and are useful today
Thanks for your work creating hass-cli !!! A useful tool.
If you every have a chance to revisit it as the HA team get these groups, areas, entities and devices ideas figured out, it would be great if hass-cli could expose and query ENTITIES on groups and areas!
On the Ikea remote, it is a wild west with these many new zigbee and bluetooth devices that do not fit into the ‘standard’ services templates that the creators came up with. A light switch they pretty much ave ‘nailed’ but a spinning cube or disc controller. Not sure they saw those coming.
I note at the zigbee2mqtt device handler :
they have some hacks to handle the rapid fire messages of this device.
Reviewing device handlers at several of the open Zigbee home automations sites often yields a fuller view of a devices capabilities and quirks . Good hunting and Happy New Year!
you mean when filtering on entites/state be able to say hass-cli state list --area kitchen and just have results from entities that are in the kitchen area ?
or something else ?
Well, this seems to be evolving. However, it seems like I can add an entity to both a group and an area (maybe more than once of both?). So if these are ‘attributes’ of an entity, then yes, I would hope to be able to use hass-cli to find all entities that are ‘lights’ (a group) and that are in the ‘kitchen’ (an area).