ZHA fails to load after update of HA to 2021.5.0

Just updated HA to 2021.5.0 and after that ZHA is not loading. In the integrations page I get a message “Not Loaded”. When I look at the log file I see:
Error occurred loading configuration flow for integration zha: cannot import name ‘setup’ from ‘zhaquirks’ (/config/deps/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zhaquirks/init.py)

Wanted to remove ZHA and re-install but I have no idea on how to remove is (cant fined anything on the web that explains how)

Any ideas ?

Confiuration > Integrations > Click on the 3 dots at the bottom right of the ZHA box > Delete

I already did this and it did nothing… wouldn’t load for about 24 hours after re-installing left it for another 24 hours and its loaded!?. 3 weeks of messing around with this bin fire with flammable spaghetti raining down on it and I haven’t got a single thing working.

See this GitHub issue, is been resolved now.
Deleting this folder solved it for me.