Hi all, I’ve had a look online and not found an answer to the below so I hope somebody can help.
I have a couple INNR plugs that are not running as expected and when I contacted INNR they said an ota update is available that fixed the issue. Home assistant claims to have the latest firmware installed but it is listed within ZHA as 0x14033682, where as the INNR ota file I find on github says the version is 1.6.22.
My first question is why does home assistant list the version number in a different format which makes it hard to check against the official version number on the manufacturers websites.
Second question is is there a way too check if this is the most recent version.
And lastly if there isn’t a way to check or if it is an older firmware is there a way to manually update from the downloaded .ota file?
Hi, sorry for the late reply but no I can’t seem to get these updated from within HA, I’m on firmware 0x14033682 but I don’t really know what that means. I don’t have a Innr bridge so HA is the only option I have, just shame updates don’t appear to work.