I’ve seen a fair bit of forum activity on folks trying to use the ZHA platform that was released not too long ago. I have gotten several of my own devices migrated from SmartThings to direct connection with HASS using this platform, but it’s clear that there is still work to be done - not all attributes are being reported in HASS (examples: battery level and power/energy metering), and there are lots of warnings in the log about data existing on clusters that cannot be processed.
I’m just wondering what the plans are for this platform for the future? I know @russell has put significant effort into this (for which we are highly appreciative ), but can we expect that the platform will continue to grow and be maintained? Would hate for folks to go down the road of using this platform only to invest in devices that won’t be supported (either in full or in part) at any point in the future.
Please don’t mistake this for complaining - rather just trying to get an idea of what may (or may not) be to come. Is there a development roadmap?