I’ve got 3 Gledopto Zigbee RGBW Bulbs and a RGBGenie wall panel in my bedroom. It was a bit of fighting, but I was able to group the bulbs and bind the group to the wall panel.
So that’s great. But I’ve got one problem. My Zigbee group shows up in the “Living Room” area, because the entity is bound to my Zigbee stick.
I just added a couple bulbs and noticed I can’t even find where I am supposed to be able to change the area, has that moved? Or is it just missing altogether?
…sorry should be more specific, if you didn’t initially select an area, how do select one/change the area after the fact. I believe before the ZHA page was updated it came up right at the bottom of the device on the ZHA/Zigbee page
I found a workaround for this by creating a light group (Settings → Devices and services → Helper → Add group → Light group) with only the zigbee group.
You can then hide the zigbee group and instead add the light group to your desired area.