I’ve been working on sorting out some zigbee devices that become unavailable occasionally. I understand some of this may be related to wifi interference and I’m looking at making some adjustments to my wifi radios but wanted to make sure my zigbee coordinator was up-to-date first so I updated the firmware on the Conbee II yesterday. Since then, only a few things on my Zigbee network work (a handful of the battery powered devices work but none of the router devices so). At this point, I’d like to set my ZHA integration back to step 1 and start over. I don’t mind re-paring all my devices but I can’t figure out how to wipe the slate clean in terms of ZHA.
Do I need to reset the Conbee somehow?
Are there any files I need to delete?
Any insight would be helpful. I’d simply like to get back to a blank slate with ZHA.
HassOS on Raspberry Pi 4 (running on an SSD)
Conbee II zigbee coordinator (on a 1 meter usb extension to avoid the USB 3 issue)