ZHA Hue Tap Dial does not fire step events

My setup: Raspi PI400, Sonoff USB 3.0 Zigbee Dongle-P

I have started to set up a Zigbee (ZHA) network (among others) for Hue devices such as light panels, bulbs etc. All can be controlled without problems from within HA. I do not use a Hue Bridge.

I have added a Tap Dial Switch to select scenes and dim lights. The buttons work fine but I am unable to get the dial working. Twisting should fire events like step up and step down but there are none. The dial is working - I can see the green LED flashing when turning. Tried another one. Tried a Hue Smart Button. Same same.

Developer Tool Event listener (zha_event) shows only button events.

I switched from P-type dongle to E-type. Still the same. I did not find a solution as this seem to work normally for everyone. Tried all blueprints for Hue stuff. They worked except for dimming (as there are no events).

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

If anyone should ever face this problem: the solution is to reset the Hue device and pair it again (once and once more) until it works.

Fun fact: after migrating to Sonoff E-type dongle, none of the sonoff zigbee devices responded to commands. They kept reporting their status correctly but did no longer work when actively switched. I switched back to P-type and all is good now.