ZHA - IKEA five button remote for lights

@engeles20, @alerton123 So after my attempt this morning that didnt work, I saw this new post in another thread: IKEA Tradfri - Batteries in the remote controls are quickly discharged - #430 by FloatingBoater

Pretty much the same approach of using custom quirks, but apparently with a newer file ( from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stickpin/zha-device-handlers/fbc724d8ac96471210efa8bfc2431b5f029f9094/zhaquirks/ikea/fivebtnremote.py)

I removed the remote from zha, removed the quirks file that engeles20 linked, added the new quirks file, restarted, re-added the remote and now all buttons work. Looks like these changes will be included in the next release 2023.3 and you should remove the custom quirks file once that drops.

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Thanks for the update. i dont want to start trying to add quirks and remove them again later so i shall just wait for the next HA update.

BUT whilst visiting a relatives today i knew that they had a 5 button ikea remote that was ā€˜retiredā€™ a long time ago so i hunted it down to their junk drawer and ā€˜acquired itā€™. new battery and added it to my HA, it still has an old firmware (0x12223573) and it works fine. although i have to say that for the sake of Ā£12 each i also ordered and set up a couple of the newer 4 button remotes from ikea and they work fine.

i have set up the automation and the on/off butten works fine.
Are there any further steps i have to take, to make the dimming work?
Thanks for the help!

i set it up using a blueprint (Blueprint to use ZHA - IKEA five button remote for lights v2)

that gives you the option to assign actions to the buttons including dimming options, BUT if your remote has the latest firmware its not working properly with home assistant, apparently its meant to be fixed in the next release (i hope).

well, HA 2023.3.0 core update arrived / installed and now the remote with the latest ikea firmware works fine . Thanks everyone :slight_smile:

Hi all

Since the last update i have a problem with this blueprint.

Sometimes with works and sometimes not and give me this error on the logs :

Logger: homeassistant.components.automation
Source: components/automation/config.py:207
Integration: Automation (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 08:40:58 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 08:40:58

Blueprint 'ZHA - IKEA TRADFRI - 5 Button Remote - Custom Actions' generated invalid automation with inputs OrderedDict([('remote', '6a71d4d7654e924c19a8026d6122c6b1'), ('power_short', [OrderedDict([('type', 'toggle'), ('device_id', 'f76e2bce5d44f9a4553e008caf5dfd21'), ('entity_id', 'light.luz_teto_light'), ('domain', 'light')])]), ('power_long', [OrderedDict([('type', 'toggle'), ('device_id', 'c78ee59cc0cb8e9503425645d459b97f'), ('entity_id', 'light.luz_light'), ('domain', 'light')])]), ('dimup_short', [OrderedDict([('device_id', ''), ('domain', ''), ('entity_id', '')])]), ('dimup_long', [OrderedDict([('type', 'toggle'), ('device_id', '9d34047dd1aa81d9d7853d01ed55ffbf'), ('entity_id', 'light.lampada'), ('domain', 'light')])])]): Integration '' not found

Can you give me any hints about this, iĀ“ve already searched a lot of things and i cant find any solution.

Im on 2023.3.6 and tried to control my Model Version E1524 (like in the picture) and dimming does not work at all with this blueprint.
Toggling on/off via middle button works though and assigning e.g. service calls to the left/right buttons also works. It looks like it does not recognize the long press / release eventsā€¦
I also looked up if my buttons might be broken but the events are getting recognized, but not from the blueprint.

Firmware: 0x23014631
Quirk: zhaquirks.ikea.fivebtnremote.IkeaTradfriRemote2

if it helps someone.


forked version 2 seem to work though.

If you update the remote to Firmware: 0x24040005 it will work with the latest blueprint v2 version.

Im on that firmware you mentioned but its not working for me.

Dimming does not work at all. Toggle On/Off is working. It does not recognize the long press at all, sometimes it does but sudddenly stops.

I think if i recall what i did you need to update the quirks file too. Listed above in the thread. TBH as much as I am a massive geek I find this Zigbee stuff to be a pain in the bum in HA. Once something breaks you end up wasting hours trolling through threads that have conflicting info. There needs to be a source of truth in this forum somewhere with up-to-date information for the less technical and those who donā€™t have time to spend in here looking for answers that inevitably end up being incorrect due to being out of date.