ZHA - IKEA five button remote for lights

Functionality is still the same. These 2 commands do not require the args. Others do require them for command identification.

I was debugging this over the weekend, and looks like args are needed. E.g. for Up and Down short button press the value that is different is the args, entity id / and cluster id are the.

There is a suggestion here to use params instead of args, I will try that over the weekend.

Yaml check : args == [0, 43, 5] fails due to first element of args: ‘[<StepMode.Up: 0>, 43, 5]’ · Issue #70613 · home-assistant/core (github.com)

Keen to see if you can get this blueprint properly working as I use a lot of these remotes and now they aren’t working

I did not spend more time on this. I started playing around with a different blueprint for IKEA 5 button remote. That one does have this issue addressed.

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I now have issues with the long-press not working. I use long-press to toggle a table lamp on/off but now long-press only change the color temperature on the main lamp.

When testing a bit more it seems like the short-press is also behaving a bit weird when it comes to color temperature. I can also see that the correct color temperature is not reported back to HA.

I created a v2 of this blueprint fixing the brightness problem. As soon as frenck updates the official one I will delete mine to avoid confusion.

Blueprint Code v2

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.


Thanks for this! Question, since I haven’t done a great deal with Blueprints, if I update the Blueprint file with this one will the automations that use that Blueprint need to be deleted and re-coded or will they be dealt with automatically?

Just load the new blueprint, go to your existing automations created with the old blueprint, click the 3 dots on the right corner, select edit YAML and change the blueprint path to:

path: gmlupatelli/zha-ikea-five-button-remote-for-lights-v2.yaml

Works great, thank you!!

I finally got around to trying this but when I hit save after changing the blueprint path I get an error:

Message malformed: Missing input light

Please share the yaml version of your configuration (open your automation, click on the 3 dots on the top corner and select edit in yaml).

While you are there, check if you have a light entity selected, if yes try a different one. I always select a entity so I don’t know if selecting the device or area will work.

This is the old blueprint version:

alias: Living Room 5 button remote automations
description: ''
  path: wormie_dk/zha-ikea-five-button-remote.yaml
    remote: 8fa8d29218bc3e22e8d6b8ffa63e9616
      - service: light.toggle
        data: {}
          entity_id: light.living_room_downlights
      - type: toggle
        device_id: b4053bc323244b218bb5fac65e1917c5
        entity_id: light.living_room_downlight_1
        domain: light
      - service: light.turn_on
          brightness_step_pct: 5
        entity_id: light.living_room_downlights
      - service: light.turn_on
          brightness_step_pct: -5
        entity_id: light.living_room_downlights
      - service: light.turn_on
          brightness_pct: 100
        entity_id: light.living_room_downlights
      - service: light.turn_on
          brightness_pct: 5
          entity_id: light.living_room_downlights
      - type: toggle
        device_id: b91d7946c3034c40817a7db86e6203b9
        entity_id: light.living_room_downlight_3
        domain: light
      - type: toggle
        device_id: c3c0011718d711eb914c4961cc5ee0b3
        entity_id: light.moon_lamp
        domain: light

So I do have a couple of light entities selected for the various button options.

I don’t know the wormie_dk version of the blueprint it has a pretty different yaml configuration. I always used one from frenck, and this is actual configuration that is working right now:

alias: Master Bedroom - Lamp Controller
description: ''
  path: gmlupatelli/zha-ikea-five-button-remote-for-lights-v2.yaml
    remote: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-removed
      entity_id: light.master_bedroom_lamp
    force_brightness: true
      - type: toggle
        device_id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-removed
        entity_id: light.master_bedroom_bedside_lamp_left
        domain: light
      - type: toggle
        device_id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-removed
        entity_id: light.master_bedroom_bedside_lamp_right
        domain: light

Try remaking the automation using this blueprint:

It is a temporary fork from frenk original blueprint fixing the brightness issue.

I dont get why my bulb won’t show up when I’m trying to select “Chose device” I light sections… I have added 1x Ikea Remote and 1x Ikea Bulb via ZHA and I’m able to toggle light on/off via simple automation but for some reason my bulb not showing up as light source… Any idea?

Edit: It turned out I had an old light bulb (2016-2017) Updating the fw and adding the light bulb again fixed the problem.

2022.08.01 has the following Problem:

WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant. helpers.template] Template variable warning: 'dict object' has no attribute 'param1' when rendering '{{ trigger.event.data.params.param1 }}'

Do you have any suggestions?

No idea. Let me do some tests here. I am not using it anymore as I am waiting for a new ZigBee coordinator because of battery issues

Fixed. Just delete the blueprint and import it back again the warning should be gone.

Hi, first of all thanks for the blueprint.

I noticed that the buttons for changing the brightness aren’t working anymore. This is the log entry for the remote device:

IKEA Remote Step With On Off event was fired with parameters: {'step_mode': 0, 'step_size': 43, 'transition_time': 5}

The remote automation looks like this:

alias: Remote Lounge
description: ""
  path: frenck/zha-ikea-five-button-remote-for-lights.yaml
    remote: abcdef
      - service: script.lounge_scene_toggle
        data: {}
      - service: script.lounge_scene_toggle
        data: {}
        - ghijk
        - lmnop

Any idea where to look for more information? HA Core Log shows nothing.

@engeles20 @Tykwondo1 @nstrelow @SAGV @Indianb0y016
Did any of you ever fix the left & right button not working on ikea 5 button remote (not firing any ZHA_Event). I enabled OTA udates and have now run into the same issue.
I think I should be able to force a firmware downgrade if I can find the previous firmware file - but wondered if there is a better way.

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hi, thanks for putting my mind at rest a little. i recently got a ikea 5 button remote and found that the left / right buttons do not work, no event showing at all for the left / right buttons. i thought maybe my remote was faulty but reading your post i guess it is a known issue for this remote that i hope will be addressed in an update soon. :slight_smile: