ZHA - IKEA TRADFRI - 5 Button Remote - Warm White Lights

Hey Niro
Love your blueprints! I have been using them for ages untill I moved from ZHA to Z2MQTT. Those blueprints dont seem to exist through. Did you have them anywhere?

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I think I removed this de a while ago when some update made them unusable. Why are you moving to Z2MQTT, you should stick with ZHA.

Couldn’t get the color temp change to work. It looks like the reason being is that the hard coded max and min values doesn’t correspond to the values for my light bulbs.

Changing from 153 to state_attr(var_light, \"min_mireds\") and from 500 to state_attr(var_light, \"max_mireds\") solved the issue.

Hello Niels,
Found your Ikea Styrbar (4 button Color Lamp) script at Github and they are just great! Question though:
-Is it possible to have the lamp to turn on to its previous brightness level (from were it was turned off)?

That shouldn’t be that hard. Buy me a Coffee and I’ll have a look :wink:

But seriously though, I think you’re referring to homeassistant-config/blueprints/automation/niro1987/zha_ikea_tradfri_styrbar_color.yaml at 6cffc8fc625a1838091c62754ff203d1e4da60b5 · niro1987/homeassistant-config · GitHub ?
All you have to do is remove lines 74-77

Hi Niels,
That’s the correct blueprint.
Before I posted you, I tried little of tampering with the values row 74 and even leaving the value empty by having just "brightness: ". The lamp started up at 20% brightness regardless of any value.
The reset back to warm white ~2800K when turning the lamp on is great though, like a color reset back to normal. So that part should not be deleted. :slight_smile:

Then only remove the brightness row, it doesn’t like empty values

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