ZHA - IKEA TRADFRI - 5 Button Remote - Warm White Lights

Check out this blueprint to simulate the IKEA TRADFRI Remote (5 button version) through ZHA events.

Holding down the power button will reset the light to normal. Holding down the other buttons cycles through the same function and stops on release.

Button Action
Power Toggle the light
Dim-Up Increase brightness
Dim-Down Decrease brightness
Right Increase temperature
Left Decrease temperature

Get started

Click the badge to import this Blueprint: (needs Home Assistant Core 2021.3 or higher)

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

Or import this Blueprint by using the Gist URL:

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Hi, is there a way to use it with zigbee2mqtt?

I’ll make one and share with you to test it out when I get to it.

Wow, thank you so much.

Please try this: Home Assistant - Blueprint - Zigbee2MQTT - IKEA TRADFRI - 5 Button Remote - Warm White Lights

And / Or this: Home Assistant - Blueprint - Zigbee2MQTT - IKEA TRADFRI - 5 Button Remote - Custom Actions

Hi, I am looking to get this working for Cold White / Warm White combo lights.
I would assume this should work as just Warn White lights do not have a color temperature setting, right?

The dimmer works, but the color temperature isn’t. Any ideas?

Hey, I had the same issue, do you use zha, z2m or another solution?
You could check the linked zha thread/fork from niro, I had a long talk with him to find the solution. Maybe that already helps, otherwise you could check what he needs to help from there.
Best regards

Is it possible to combine multiple lamps from ikea (warm white lights) with this blueprint?

Why not just use it twice?

Hey factorem,
you can use this Blueprint with multiple lights by setting up a light group.

Working with your blueprint. Still rather green with HA, but learning. I imported your blueprint and set up the automation. I am trying to get it to control a HUE colour bulb with his attached to HA through the Hue hub. So far the blueprint does not do anything, but with I go to the automations and look at the flow I can see on each branch the following error msg: Error: In ‘template’ condition: UndefinedError: ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘event’

Unfortunately I am not quite sure what this means. Any nudge in the right direction would be more helpful. Also pretty sure I have the Tradfri linked up via a SONOFF Zigbee dongle and ZHA…

I think you’ve said it already, you’re trying to control a color bulb with the Warm White blueprint. Try the color version instead.

Sorry did not say in the post. I have tried both, and getting:
Executed: January 25, 2022, 11:10:52
result: null


Executed: January 25, 2022, 11:10:52
Error: In ‘template’ condition: UndefinedError: ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘event’

From the : ZHA - IKEA TRADFRI - 5 Button Remote - Color Lights, Version.

Sorry for the omission before. Is there a log or something that will tell me more about what it is upto?

What type of remote did you select and how is it connected to HA?

HA selected a IKEA of Sweden TRADFRI remote control. I was done by putting the SONOFF dongle into pairing mode then getting the remote to pair up. Did not select anything really. Is there any detailed info I can give you that would help? I did much the same process for the Tradfri button on a Hue white bulb and it work flawlessly. This seems like it is SO SO close :slight_smile:

Something just struck me, ouch, could the problem be the remote is connected over the SONOFF dongle, but the bulb is connected over the hue bridge? I can get rid of the hue bridge if that makes things simpler…

For the sake of it, try removing the blueprint file and import it again.

Tried the delete, import, create automation. Still have the error msg in the automation. Is it possibple I as missing some other code? This is running on a brand new clean install of HA

Let’s continue this in a PM.

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Hi Niro
Thank you very much for the blueprint, it has been an amazing help.
It works well, but pressing the down button continuously will turn off the light, is there a way to stop this and have the brightness stop at 1

Thank you

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Thanks for that, works much better than the Controller and Hook solution for the colored Ikea bulbs. Now finally it works in both kids rooms as it should (I updated in the past one of the remotes and lost the ability to switch colors with zmqtt2zigbee, now with ZHA and this script everything is finally as it should).