ZHA - Inovelli Blue Series Animated Notifications to single or multiple switches simultaneously!

Blueprint for Inovelli Blue Series (Model VZM31-SN) switches, using the LED bar to send animated notification effects to individual or multiple switches at the same time using ZHA.

When invoking the script, use the target selector for Areas containing switches or specific Devices/Entities.

Credits to @zanix and @nwithan8 as both blueprints were used as a base to this one.

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

  name: "Inovelli Blue VZM31-SN - Animated Notifications (ZHA)"
  description: |
    Blueprint for Inovelli Blue Series (Model VZM31-SN) switches, using the LED bar to send animated notification effects to individual or multiple switches at the same time using ZHA. 

    When invoking the script, use the target selector for Areas containing switches or specific Devices/Entities.

    Credits to @zanix and @nwithan8 as both their blueprints were used as a base to this one
  domain: script
  source_url: https://github.com/dmoralesdev/homeassistant/blob/main/blueprints/inovelli_animated_notifications_ZHA.yaml

    name: Target
    description: Inovelli devices, entities, and/or areas with Inovelli devices to set effects.
          integration: zha
          manufacturer: Inovelli
          integration: zha
          domain: light
    name: LED
    description: Choose which LED to control. Default is All.
    default: All
        custom_value: true
          - All
          - Led 1
          - Led 2
          - Led 3
          - Led 4
          - Led 5
          - Led 6
          - Led 7
    name: LED Color
    default: Red
        custom_value: true
          - Red
          - Orange
          - Yellow
          - Green
          - Cyan
          - Teal
          - Blue
          - Purple
          - Light Pink
          - Pink
          - White
    name: Brightness level
    description: Value from 0 (off) to 100 (100% brightness).
    default: 100
    example: "40"
        min: 0
        max: 100
    name: "Effect"
    description: Choose LED effect to apply.
    default: Fast Blink
        custom_value: true
          - "Off"
          - "Clear"
          - "Solid"
          - "Slow Blink"
          - "Medium Blink"
          - "Fast Blink"
          - "Pulse"
          - "Aurora"
          - "Slow Falling"
          - "Medium Falling"
          - "Fast Falling"
          - "Slow Rising"
          - "Medium Rising"
          - "Fast Rising"
          - "Slow Siren"
          - "Fast Siren"
          - "Chase"
          - "Slow Chase"
          - "Medium Chase"
          - "Fast Chase"
          - "Open-Close"
          - "Small-Big"
    name: Duration
    description: How long should the effect run?
    default: 10 Seconds
        custom_value: true
          - 1 Second
          - 2 Seconds
          - 3 Seconds
          - 4 Seconds
          - 5 Seconds
          - 6 Seconds
          - 7 Seconds
          - 8 Seconds
          - 9 Seconds
          - 10 Seconds
          - 15 Seconds
          - 20 Seconds
          - 25 Seconds
          - 30 Seconds
          - 35 Seconds
          - 40 Seconds
          - 45 Seconds
          - 50 Seconds
          - 55 Seconds
          - 1 Minute
          - 2 Minutes
          - 3 Minutes
          - 4 Minutes
          - 5 Minutes
          - 6 Minutes
          - 7 Minutes
          - 8 Minutes
          - 9 Minutes
          - 10 Minutes
          - 15 Minutes
          - 20 Minutes
          - 25 Minutes
          - 30 Minutes
          - 35 Minutes
          - 40 Minutes
          - 45 Minutes
          - 50 Minutes
          - 55 Minutes
          - 1 Hour
          - 2 Hours
          - 3 Hours
          - 4 Hours
          - 5 Hours
          - 6 Hours
          - 7 Hours
          - 8 Hours
          - 9 Hours
          - 10 Hours
          - 15 Hours
          - 20 Hours
          - 1 Day
          - 2 Days
          - 3 Days
          - 4 Days
          - 5 Days
          - Indefinitely
    name: Enable debug output?

  # Set to true to create a "persistent_notification" with debugging information.
  debug: "{{ iif(enable_debug is defined, enable_debug, false) }}"

  # Create a list of provided targets (areas, devices, entities)
  target: "{{ target|default([])|map(lower) }}"
  area: "{{ target.area_id|default([])|lower }}"
  device: "{{ target.device_id|default([])|lower }}"
  entity: "{{ target.entity_id|default([])|lower }}"
  entity_list: >
    {% set switch = namespace(entities=[]) %}

    {# Areas #}
    {% set areas = namespace(areas=[]) %}
    {% if area %}
      {# Convert to a list #}
      {% if ',' in area %}
        {% set areanum = area.split(',') | count %}
        {% for i in range(0,areanum) %}
          {% set areas.areas = areas.areas + [area.split(',')[i]|string|trim ] %}
        {% endfor %}
      {% elif area[0]|count == 1 %}
        {# if the first item in the list has only a single character, it can't be a valid entity #}
        {% set areas.areas = areas.areas + [area|string|trim] %}
      {% else %}
        {% set areas.areas = area %}
      {% endif %}
      {# Detect switches #}
      {% for area in areas.areas %}
        {% for ent in area_entities(area) %}
          {% if is_device_attr(ent, 'model', 'VZM31-SN') and ent.split('.')[0] == 'light' %}
            {% set switch.entities = switch.entities + [ent|string|trim] %}
          {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
      {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}

    {# Devices #}
    {% set devices = namespace(devices=[]) %}
    {% if device %}
      {# Convert to a list #}
      {% if ',' in device %}
        {% set devicenum = device.split(',') | count %}
        {% for i in range(0,devicenum) %}
          {% set devices.devices = devices.devices + [device.split(',')[i]|string|trim ] %}
        {% endfor %}
      {% elif device[0]|count == 1 %} {# if the first item in the list has only a single character, it can't be a valid entity #}
        {% set devices.devices = devices.devices + [device|string|trim] %}
      {% else %}
        {% set devices.devices = device %}
      {% endif %}
      {# Detect switches #}
      {% for device in devices.devices %}
        {% for ent in device_entities(device) %}
          {% if is_device_attr(ent, 'model', 'VZM31-SN') and ent.split('.')[0] == 'light' %}
            {% set switch.entities = switch.entities + [ent|string|trim] %}
          {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
      {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}

    {# Entities #}
    {% set entities = namespace(entities=[]) %}
    {% if entity %}
      {# Convert to a list #}
      {% if ',' in entity %}
        {% set entitynum = entity.split(',') | count %}
        {% for i in range(0, entitynum) %}
          {% set entities.entities = entities.entities + [entity.split(',')[i]|string|trim ] %}
        {% endfor %}
      {% elif entity[0]|count == 1 %} {# if the first item in the list has only a single character, it can't be a valid entity #}
        {% set entities.entities = entities.entities + [entity|string|trim] %}
      {% else %}
        {% set entities.entities = entity %}
      {% endif %}
      {# Detect switches #}
      {% for ent in entities.entities %}
        {% if is_device_attr(ent, 'model', 'VZM31-SN') and ent.split('.')[0] == 'light' %}
          {% set switch.entities = switch.entities + [ent|string|trim] %}
        {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}

    {{ switch.entities|unique|list|lower }}

  # Convert LED number to value
    "all": -1
    "led 1": 0
    "led 2": 1
    "led 3": 2
    "led 4": 3
    "led 5": 4
    "led 6": 5
    "led 7": 6
  led: '{{ led|default("all") }}'
  led_value: >-
    {% if led|int(default=-2) == -2 %}
      {{ leds[led|lower]|int(default=-1) }}
    {% else %}
      {{ led|int(default=-1) }}
    {% endif %}

  level: "{{ level|default(100) }}"

  # Convert Color to value
    "red": 1
    "orange": 21
    "yellow": 42
    "green": 85
    "cyan": 127
    "teal": 145
    "blue": 170
    "purple": 195
    "light pink": 220
    "lightpink": 220
    "pink": 234
    "white": 255
  color: '{{ color|default("red") }}'
  color_value: >-
    {% if color|int(default=-1) == -1 %}
      {{ colors[color|lower]|int(default=1) }}
    {% else %}
      {{ color|int(default=1) }}
    {% endif %}

  # Convert Effect to value
    "off": 0
    "clear": 255
    "solid": 1
    "slow blink": 3
    "medium blink": 15
    "fast blink": 2
    "pulse": 4
    "aurora": 8
    "slow falling": 9
    "medium falling": 10
    "fast falling": 11
    "slow rising": 12
    "medium rising": 13
    "fast rising": 14
    "chase": 5
    "slow chase": 16
    "medium chase": 5
    "fast chase": 17
    "fast siren": 18
    "slow siren": 19
    "open-close": 6
    "small-big": 7
  effect: '{{ effect|default("fast blink") }}'
  effect_value: >-
    {% if effect|lower in effects %}
      {{ effects[effect|lower] }}
    {% else %}
      {{ effect|lower }}
    {% endif %}

  # Convert Duration to value
    "1 second": 1
    "2 seconds": 2
    "3 seconds": 3
    "4 seconds": 4
    "5 seconds": 5
    "6 seconds": 6
    "7 seconds": 7
    "8 seconds": 8
    "9 seconds": 9
    "10 seconds": 10
    "15 seconds": 15
    "20 seconds": 20
    "25 seconds": 25
    "30 seconds": 30
    "35 seconds": 35
    "40 seconds": 40
    "45 seconds": 45
    "50 seconds": 50
    "55 seconds": 55
    "1 minute": 60
    "2 minutes": 62
    "3 minutes": 63
    "4 minutes": 64
    "5 minutes": 65
    "6 minutes": 66
    "7 minutes": 67
    "8 minutes": 68
    "9 minutes": 69
    "10 minutes": 70
    "15 minutes": 75
    "20 minutes": 80
    "25 minutes": 85
    "30 minutes": 90
    "35 minutes": 95
    "40 minutes": 100
    "45 minutes": 105
    "50 minutes": 110
    "55 minutes": 115
    "1 hour": 120
    "2 hours": 122
    "3 hours": 123
    "4 hours": 124
    "5 hours": 125
    "6 hours": 126
    "7 hours": 127
    "8 hours": 128
    "9 hours": 129
    "10 hours": 130
    "15 hours": 135
    "20 hours": 140
    "1 day": 144
    "2 days": 168
    "3 days": 192
    "4 days": 216
    "5 days": 240
    "indefinitely": 255
  duration: '{{ duration|default("10 seconds") }}'
  duration_value: >-
    {% if duration|int(default=-1) == -1 %}
      {{ durations[duration|lower]|int(default=10) }}
    {% else %}
      {{ duration|int(default=10) }}
    {% endif %}

  # Set enable_debug = true above to provide output troubleshooting information.
  - if:
      - condition: template
        value_template: "{{ debug == true }}"
      - service: persistent_notification.create
          notification_id: "inovelli_animated"
          title: "DEBUG: inovelli_animated"
          message: |-
            entity list: {{ entity_list }}
            entity count: {{ entity_list|count }}
            led: {{ led }} ({{ led_value }})
            color: {{ color }} ({{ color_value }})
            level: {{ level }}
            effect: {{ effect }} ({{ effect_value }})
            duration: {{ duration }} ({{ duration_value }})

  # Do not continue if we don't have at least one entity
  - condition: template
    value_template: |
      {{ entity_list|count > 0 }}

  - variables:
      # Construct the payload
      payload: |-
        {% if led_value == -1 %}
          {% set payload_data = {
            "led_effect": effect_value,
            "led_color": color_value,
            "led_level": level,
            "led_duration": duration_value,
            } %}
        {% else %}
          {% set payload_data = {
            "led_number": led_value,
            "led_effect": effect_value,
            "led_color": color_value,
            "led_level": level,
            "led_duration": duration_value,
            } %}
        {% endif %}
        {{ payload_data }}

  # Loop through entity_list
  - repeat:
      for_each: "{{ entity_list }}"
        # Set enable_debug = true above to provide output troubleshooting information
        - if:
            - condition: template
              value_template: "{{ debug == true }}"
            - service: persistent_notification.create
                notification_id: "inovelli_animated::{{ repeat.item }}"
                title: "DEBUG: inovelli_animated::{{ repeat.item }}"
                message: |-
                  entity: {{ repeat.item }}
                  device name: {{ device_attr(repeat.item, "name") }}
                  IEEE: {{ (device_attr(repeat.item, "identifiers")|list).0.1 }}
                  payload: {{ payload }}

        - service: zha.issue_zigbee_cluster_command
            ieee: >
              {{ (device_attr(repeat.item, "identifiers")|list).0.1 }}
            endpoint_id: 1
            cluster_id: 64561
            cluster_type: in
            command: >
              {{ iif(led_value == -1, 1, 3) }}
            command_type: server
            params: "{{ payload }}"
            manufacturer: 4655

icon: mdi:led-on
mode: parallel
max_exceeded: silent
max: 100


Nice, learned some new things here that I might adopt

Hey this was exactly what I was looking for with my switches. Thanks so much for creating it!

@diegomorales17 thanks for sharing this script.

Iā€™m still in the process of getting familiar with HA and my Inovelli switches. But I have found that this script will not work for me if I select more than one target. I get a timeout error in the UI. I see the following logged to the ha log.

File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/core.py", line 2104, in _execute_service
    return await target(service_call)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/service.py", line 986, in admin_handler
    await result
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/zha/websocket_api.py", line 1361, in issue_zigbee_cluster_command
    await zha_device.issue_cluster_command(
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/zha/core/device.py", line 820, in issue_cluster_command
    response = await getattr(cluster, commands[command].name)(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/zigpy/quirks/__init__.py", line 199, in command
    return await self.request(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/zigpy/zcl/__init__.py", line 377, in request
    return await self._endpoint.request(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/zigpy/endpoint.py", line 253, in request
    return await self.device.request(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/zigpy/device.py", line 315, in request
    async with asyncio_timeout(timeout):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/asyncio/timeouts.py", line 111, in __aexit__
    raise TimeoutError from exc_val

Any hints on what I could track down to see if I can help fix this?

Wanted to follow up on my own post here to say that I was able to resolve this with a firmware upgrade to my Inovelli Blue switches. Discovered that my new switches were running firmware version 2.0. After an upgrade to firmware version 2.15, these (as well as many other) issues are resolved.

Thanks again for sharing this script @diegomorales17