Hi all! I have some Sylvania Lightify Zigbee lights that I use outdoors in the front of my house. One of the lights is turning on randomly at night for a second then shutting off.
I was looking through security footage and my cameras are considering it an event, so as I look back I’m seeing this event a couple times a night for at least the past month. It’s only 1 of the 4 on the front of the house, and it’s the closest one to the hub (husbzb-1). I’m guessing it’s relaying the Zigbee signal to the rest as they’re kind of far away.
I tried a different bulb, and the new one does the same. I also updated the firmware of the new and old bulb. The old bulb in a different location (a lamp for example) does not turn on randomly. The new bulb in the outdoor fixture still does the same.
Looking through some of the settings I see this “ota” binding. Some things I’m reading indicate that maybe HA is sending a pulse to the bulbs and causing this?
Anyone have any insight as to what’s going on? I can’t imagine my neighbors are too pleased. LOL!
Hey, sorry for the extreme delay. Not it has not. Mine turn off at midnight by automation. Then about every 45 minutes to an hour, flash twice (on for a second), then turn off. My cameras trigger a motion alert when it happens. Mine are also on OTA updates as well.
I use the Nortek Z-Wave and Zigbee combination USB stick. Not sure if that matters or not. Seems like maybe not?
Would love to hear what your experience is with these. I’m kind of wondering if it’s due to how far they are from the stick? I have 4 of them outside, and the one closest to the stick is the one flashing. I’ve replaced bulbs, swapped them around, etc. Doesn’t matter. That one always does it.
I have one Lightify A19 color bulb that has started randomly turning on… I’m thinking it has more to do with power fluctuations but haven’t really dug in just yet… the room this bulb is in is on all day anyway so I wouldn’t notice it going on until after we turn the lights off for the night… although it just did briefly turn off and back on very quickly, which reminded me to come look here… also my AC just kicked on around the same time, is there any chance you have some large appliance turning on at the same time? (I’m about to put a different brand of bulb in that lamp and see what happens over the next few days). I do have about 6-7 other of the same bulbs throughout the house but mostly in the kids rooms so I just always attributed it to them leaving them on… but maybe this is the more likely culprit.
That got me thinking a bit, but I believe the lights are on their own circuit. It also happens around the same time every hour, and it’s like two flashes if I’m recalling correctly. I guess I’m kind of leaning towards some sort of connection issue. I thought that maybe putting it at lower brightness through the night would keep it from flashing, but I just checked my cameras and it’s flashing at full brightness then returning to the previously set brightness.
I hope that you find your problem. These used to be good RGBW bulbs. My go-to, and I would recommend them to anyone. Not anymore. I’ve had like 4 burn out or break, and I purchased them 1-2 years ago. So I’ll be looking for a different solution now.
Just to chime in on this old thread, I’m also seeing this on Ledvance bulbs + Nortek zigbee/zwave combo stick. The flickers and random on/off changes are very random for me - it can flicker on and off a few times per minute.
Same situation here with Hue retro bulb (just one in a row of three) and ConbeeII coordinator. I moved from deconz to zha and this didn’t happened before; the bulb switches on after some minutes being off and it keeps on until manually switched off again.