ZHA - Lutron Aurora Dimmer Blueprint - toggle button press


Mine work excellent. Loved the first one so much, I brought a second one. I do wish they came with their own mount, so you didn’t have to install it on a light switch.

So, for the second one, I 3d printed a little stand for it, and just stuck it on the side of the fridge, as that is the best location for a lightswitch without specific layout.

I love the hardware. Super reliable. Sorry you had issues. FYI I’m using a Sonoff 3.0 Zigbee USB dongle, in case that helps.

I have one dimmer paired via Philips Hue integration, and the second connected directly to HA.

Mine’s working again, I just use the blueprint and no other automation is required to make it work. I agree they’re a bit flakey on dimming, but 95% of time they turn on/off on click.

I ended up digging one of my old Phlips Hue lights out and just doing a direct connect. That’s the main thing I was trying to do anyway, keep someone from switching off my computer when they flip that wall switch. Gave up getting this to work with HASS and the Sonoff Zigbee stick (but didn’t try the blueprint, was just easier to use the Hue)

Yea I still cannot get the on/off button presses to work. Dimming works great. Which doesn’t make sense really

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Hi @richlee91, I have managed to get this setup successfully but like other reports when I dim my Aurora Switch, it stutters. I see this similar issue was resolved for the Zigbee2MQTT Lutron Aurora blueprint (see here: Zigbee2MQTT Lutron Aurora Dimmer Control - #32 by ipomea) and was wondering if we can get a similar fix.

This is the last thing remaining to migrate me fully to Sonoff stick :slight_smile:

I also have the same issue, but see it was resolved with another blueprint here: Zigbee2MQTT Lutron Aurora Dimmer Control - #32 by ipomea

To top up, regardless of what I set the sensitivity to, I still get the same problem.

I just installed today and I’m seeing a random issue with the button press and slow dimmer response no matter the sensitivity setting.

I just installed the blueprint today, and also can not get the toggle button to turn on/off the bulbs. I can turn the dial and they will dim up and down though.

I think I read somewhere above this could be due to the Zigbee device your using? I have HubZ dual zwave/zigbee stick, but believe I have both a conbee and skyconnect somewhere in the house if its work adding that into the system? I think I have a spare USB port to add it.

So as an update. I changed my zigbee controller to the SkyConnect and then added the Aurora Switch to it.

When I view the zha_events, I see the activity when I turn the dial. But there is nothing reporting in the zha_events when I push the button? Is that normal? Could there be an issue with the controller or actual button?

I can say that this button worked perfectly under the hue app. All I did was reset the switch and then add it directly to HA.

I get a zha_event when I press the button. I am using a conbee II stick. This is what I get:

event_type: zha_event
  device_ieee: ff:ff:00:0f:e7:fe:f0:19
  unique_id: ff:ff:00:0f:e7:fe:f0:19:1:0x0008
  device_id: e72b00ead377bc933910302b7c4d17c3
  endpoint_id: 1
  cluster_id: 8
  command: move_to_level_with_on_off
    - 255
    - 7
    level: 255
    transition_time: 7
origin: LOCAL
time_fired: "2024-11-17T20:33:08.161181+00:00"
  id: 01JCXX8J2149M0TRDQKMYC827T
  parent_id: null
  user_id: null

The 255 is on, 0 is off. If the blueprint sees either, then it toggles the light.

Sorry this isn’t more helpful. If it’s not getting to zha_events then the blueprint issue doesn’t even run.