ZHA - Lutron Connected Bulb Remote

After upgrading to 2022.7.5 this issue is resolved for me. All four remote buttons operate as expected in this blueprint

Hey NightHawk. After the middle button problems with ZHA were corrected in 2022.7.5 updates, I had the same problem you saw. I was able to correct the problem with the ‘selector’ section of the blueprint by editing it as follows:

Original Blueprint Selector:

Remove or comment out the ‘integration’ line as follows.

#          integration: zha
          manufacturer: " Lutron"
          model: "LZL4BWHL01 Remote"
          multiple: false

The ‘manufacturer’ isn’t really needed, but I wanted to find out why it wasn’t working. Turns out that adding a space before “_Lutron” is needed. Adding quotes fixed that. But, the ‘selector’ will work with just the ‘model’. I went ahead and added quotes there to assure any unseen spaces didn’t mess things up.

Hope that helps.

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Great info from jdggit.

Don’t forget, you need to “Reload” the “Automations” YAML in Developer Tools → YAML configuration reloading before it will start working.

Thanks so much! I know it has been some time since my input but wanted to let you know that I added your “fix” from this post and I now have the devices shown again to choose from. I had completely removed everything and I am just now getting back around to adding it all back in because I wanted to start fresh.

Thanks again!

Trying to use the blueprint but under Device nothing is showing up, I made the changes suggested by @jdggit and my device looks fully paired, any suggestions?

The problem with Lutron devices not showing up in Blueprints is mentioned here:

and further documented here:

I’ve been able to work around the problem by selecting the Device from it’s Integration and then Enabling an available Control or Diagnostic element. Wait a minute for the device to come alive, then go back to the Blueprint and it’s available in the drop down. It’s hit-and-miss and sometimes requires a few tries, but eventually it has shown up long enough to get the blueprint written.