I have included a new Aqara Temperatur Sensor in Home Assistant 0.109.6. There are only 3 Sensors: pressure, humidity and temperature bot no Battery level. My Temperture Sensors i have included in older Verions of Home-Assistant get 4 Sensors including the battery level.
The older devices are included as “class”: “zhaquirks.xiaomi.aqara.weather.Weather”,
the new one as “class”: “zigpy.device.Device”.
Maybe a Problem with zhaquirks?
Same problem. Any news ?
Same here …
Zigbee device signature
"node_descriptor": "<NodeDescriptor byte1=2 byte2=64 mac_capability_flags=128 manufacturer_code=4151 maximum_buffer_size=127 maximum_incoming_transfer_size=100 server_mask=0 maximum_outgoing_transfer_size=100 descriptor_capability_field=0>",
"endpoints": {
"1": {
"profile_id": 260,
"device_type": "0x0302",
"in_clusters": [
"out_clusters": [
"manufacturer": "LUMI",
"model": "lumi.weather",
"class": "zigpy.device.Device"
With the Door/Window Sensor, i do get a separate sensor with the battery type, and also a unit_of_measurement in %, but not battery value. is this normal?
I have the state as the battery level I guess, it says 100.
The attributes are
battery_size: CR1632
battery_quantity: 1
battery_voltage: 3
unit_of_measurement: %
friendly_name: LUMI lumi.sensor_magnet.aq2 c8777e04 power
device_class: battery
yes it took a while, now it is 100%, if it is accurate i must check over a while.
@Martinvdm that is the normal funktion, but on the weather / temperatur sensor we miss this seperate sensor with the battery type
I was looking for this issue!
I just updated my setup yesterday and added a few new devices that came in the post.
The temp sensor is being detected as a different device, I’d like battery function as it’s integral to know when the device gets low so I can replace it and not miss automations.
Is it worth me rolling back to the older HA version and seeing if it works?
I can confirm the device name is the same all the way down to the mac address…
If anyone has reset an old one and it’s no longer showing the battery I’ll not do that on this version
According to this discussion https://github.com/dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin/issues/2825, it seems to be a new firmware on the device. Can someone check this?
On the actual hardware?
I doubt it on mine, I think it’s more likely that zigpy has been updated and its no longer detecting the device correctly.
I have 5 sensors all with the same CMITID of 2016, I haven’t updated the firmware on my USB Conbee since purchase and only use the zha direct integration
I’ll do a downgrade of home assistant tonight and let you all know
If you have the problem with older sensors, it may not be due to the firmware. You will be right about zigpy. Please let us know which version of HA it still works for.
OK so i attempted to revert back to an older version, but forgot the HA updates as it boots into the system.
Anyway the sensors currently connected with battery when wiped clean, still connect with battery sensors.
The “new” one still connects with no battery detected.
It is definitely detecting a different version of device for some reason, but i am yet to fully downgrade the HA.
Seems to go ok, but then when rebooted its on the latest version again!
I just wanted to say I experience the same problem. The Aqara / Lumi sensors I bought this year don’t show the battery level after they are added with ZHA.
What information does the developer need to solve this problem? Just let me know if I can provide any.
This bug is indeed still open.
See https://github.com/zigpy/zha-device-handlers/issues/368
There has been a report this has been resolved in the last update on the zigpy, they are enabled us to test it, but my HA is currently broken and i cannot edit any of the settings on it presently!
Update: I just re-added it for like the fifth time and now it is showing up fine with all the sensors working. Just one of those things. Weird. I’ll keep an eye on it and see if it misbehaves further.
I’m having a similar issue with one of these lumi weather sensors, except I’m not getting any data on any of the sensors (humidity, temp, pressure, or battery). This is now the second copy that doesn’t seem to be working as I returned the first one and am now getting the same issue with the new one I just received (so seems to be a recurring issue). I have another copy of the same sensor that I have had for a few months (seems to be identical with the same model number on it) which is working fine and reporting with no issues so I’m not sure what the issue is. The zigbee device descriptor seems to be identical between the two except (don’t know if this is at all relevant, but again its the only thing that looks different I can find) on node descriptor on the new, non-functioning copy shows up as
"node_descriptor": "<Optional byte1=2 byte2=64 mac_capability_flags=128 manufacturer_code=4151 maximum_buffer_size=127 maximum_incoming_transfer_size=100 server_mask=0 maximum_outgoing_transfer_size=100 descriptor_capability_field=0>"
while the old, functioning copy shows up as
"node_descriptor": "<NodeDescriptor byte1=2 byte2=64 mac_capability_flags=128 manufacturer_code=4151 maximum_buffer_size=127 maximum_incoming_transfer_size=100 server_mask=0 maximum_outgoing_transfer_size=100 descriptor_capability_field=0>"
Otherwise, the two look identical poking around in zigbee. They are both showing the same zhaquirks.
Anybody had any further luck with these sensors?
I have an older aqara magnet sensor that worked fine for a long time (both battery level and binary), and I just noticed the past couple of days it no longer works. I tried removing/re-adding and replacing the battery in case, but nothing gets it to work properly. It is reluctant to pair… have to hold down 3 sec to reset vs before just tapping the button worked after resetting. The binary always shows closed even when it should be open, and the battery always shows unavailable. Also, my zigbee device signature has the same ...<Optional byte1...
that @Itsiq has… guessing this is related.
Has anyone figured this out? I’m running the latest ha on the latest hassos (both releases).
I just purchase and install three lumi.sensor_magnet.aq2. One is showing door closed but unknown state for battery. If I open the door, the door status change to open. The two other are telling door open always no mather the door effective state and battery level 100%. I don’t think that they are too far as I can pair them from where they are installed.
I’ve checked in zha_device_handlers zhaquirks for xiaomi aqara magnet_aq2.py which is for my three door sensor. it reporting
input_clusters=[0, 3, 65535, 6] and output_clusters=[0, 4, 65535]
What I have for my zigbee information is
input_clusters=[0, 1, 3, 65535] and output_clusters=[0, 4, 6, 65535]
Should I send a PR to change this or it will brake older door sensor ?