I’m using a CC26x1 Board connected to my HA in Docker environment. When I change the switch status of my Osram Plug, HA will show the result correctly and change the switch status on my device. But when I switch the plug manually the status will not be sent to HA. So my plug is off but HA shows status on. Is there any chance to fix that? Did I made a mistake? When using the plug on my deconz stick with deconz integration everything is fine. When I use a Lidl Zigbee 3.0 Plug with ZHA and CC board it’s working fine, too.
One hint was to use zigbee2mqtt but with this configuration I lost the connection to my Aquara temperature sensors. Currently the only reliable setup is using deconz but I due to a blank restart I want to use the CC26x1 board. Maybe someone has an idea how to fix it.
I’m using the latest HA Version ( 2021.3.1) and the latest firmware by koenkk (CC2652R_coordinator_20210120) for the CC26x1 board.
Thanks in advance