I’ve just installed a Hue Motion Sensor SML002 into ZHA and it joined without problems and I see it has created an Binary Sensor for OnOff, Occupancy and sensors for Luminosity, Temperature and battery.
It seems to trigger very frequently about every minute to two minutes even though there is no place to reflect off. I cant see where to change this in the ZHA control panel
I have the Cluster- OccupancySensing (Endpoint id:2, ID: 0x0406, type: in) which has the attributes
I’ve tried setting u_to_o threshold to ‘0’ and ultrasonic u_to_o threshold also to ‘0’, but this doesnt seem to have made a difference. Anyone actually managed to change this like can be done in hue app?
When i try to ‘get zigbee attribute’, I get ‘None’ in the value field after about a minute. When setting this to 0 and pressing ‘set zigbee attribute’, i get the ‘set zigbee attribute’ go green after it spins, however it doesnt seem to make a difference and it activates every few minutes
As a new to Hass.io on Raspi, mind if I ask @confusedshrubbery which Zigbee dongle do you use? I’ve got Texas_Instruments_TI_CC2531 based USB-dongle and I seem to not be able to get Hue Motion Sensor SML002 to be used at all in ZHA. No triggering or readouts from temps etc.
Hi @abianucci! Yes I did it get working, mainly by setting ZHA to give proper channels usage to all Zigbee-routers, mains devices and signal repeaters. I’m now using Conbee II -stick because my CC2531 actually died after month or two.
Have you checked your Wifi interference in your house? I mean which channels are occupied and are your Zha trying to use most uncrowded channel?
My neighbourhood has a lot of interference, and I got several own accesspoints too, so I tried to use upper part of the 2.4GHz spectrum for Zigbee, but also let network use any other channel which they find usefull. For reference from my own configuration.yaml:
(updated 2021-08 for multiple new wifi accespoints needing channels, reduced Zigbee channels and changed preferred one to the middle part of 2.4GHz spectrum)
ikea_provider: true # Auto update Trådfri devices
#ledvance_provider: true # Auto update LEDVANCE devices
#otau_directory: /path/to/your/ota/folder # Utilize .ota files to update everything else
channel: 15 # What channel the radio should try to use.
channels: [15,20,25] # Channel mask
the motion sensor that gets installed with the philips motion sensor is an old driver that used to change value and report a timer instead of a on/off state. it was updated to Occupancy that reports on/off states and its better for automations and for triggering the alarm if using any with HA.