Zha - recommended setup for Philips Hue Dimmer Switch?

I have couple older Philips Dimmer Switches (RWL020, RWL021) and I was wondering what is the recommended configuration? My understanding from the zha page is that the switch can either be bound to the zigbee coordinator or to a group but not both. When I have my switch bound to a group, I don’t see the actions in the HA device anymore. Also when I have it bound to the coordinator, then I assume I have to setup 4 automations (or more) to account for all the actions (on, off, dimmer up, dimmer down).

Out of curiosity, does anyone have a clue how the original Philips hue bridge might handle that? since these switches can only be bound to a single device, does this mean that they are never bound to a group?

I have mine bound to the controller. I use a blueprint (ZHA Phillips Hue Summer switch V2) to make it easy to set up automations.

I have single taps controlling ceiling lights and double taps controlling table lights.